The High Court in Prague

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Contact The High Court in Prague

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nám. Hrdinů 1300, 140 00 Praha 4-Nusle, Czechia

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City : Praha 4 Nusle

nám. Hrdinů 1300, 140 00 Praha 4-Nusle, Czechia
Rob on Google

DJ Sweder on Google

Věra Podušelová on Google

Dejví Šverma on Google

Odsoudyly mně za vraždu co jsem spachal, fakt nedoporučujy. Tvrde jednani s mou osobou a žádne jidlo.
They convicted me of the murder I committed, I really don't recommend. Dealing hard with my person and no food.
Kateřina Synáková on Google

Parodie spravedlnosti !!! Tento soud se výhradně zabývá pouze odvoláním státních zástupců - hodnotí důkazy - SPISY VŮBEC NEČTOU jen přežehlí rozsudky Krajských soudů. Tento soud má pouze dva soudce co se řídí zákonem a dělají svou práci - jinak je to banda komunistických pochopů co se cítí Bohy - arogantní dominance moci kde nejde o právo a spravedlnost ale jen o koryta. Jednání je DIVADELNÍM VYSTOUPENÍM AROGANCE MOCI KDE NEJDE O FAKTA A DŮKAZY. Pokud z této budovy někdo postoupí na Ústavní soud nastane opět úplná totalita viz. Sváček
Parody of Justice !!! This court exclusively deals with the dismissal of prosecutors - evaluates the evidence - THE DOCUMENTS DO NOT READ IT just over-iron the judgments of the Regional Courts. This court has only two judges who obey the law and do their work - otherwise it's a bunch of communist understandings that God feels - arrogant dominance of power where it's not about law and justice but just troughs. Acting is a THEATER PERFORMANCE OF AROGANCE OF POWER WHERE IT IS NOT FACTS AND EVIDENCE. If someone from this building passes to the Constitutional Court again, a totalitarian totalitism occurs. Sváček
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Justičnímu paláci předcházel areál věznice z roku 1889 čísla popisného 988, který sloužil pro účely zemského trestního soudu a dnes v těchto místech sídlí úřad rejstříku trestů. Právě pro něj bylo rozhodnuto o výstavbě nové budovy čp. 1300. V roce 1929 začala výstavba a soud se sem z Karlova náměstí přestěhoval v roce 1933. Zůstal zde spolu s krajským státním zastupitelstvím až do roku 1952, kdy objekt převzal Nejvyšší soud. Projekt vypracoval a realizoval pražský architekt Bedřich Bendelmayer. Zapojil do něj už dva stojící obytné domy a zároveň adaptoval vstupní budovu věznice. Jde o monumentální novoklasicistní objekt se dvěma vnitřními dvory, ovlivněnou i tzv. národním slohem, jejíž čelní stranu se sloupy zdobí dvě sochy od Františka Matějů, Justice s mečem a Justice s váhami. Nejvýraznější součástí soudu je velká porotní síň, kde se odehrávaly zásadní procesy české historie, jako například monstrproces s Miladou Horákovou. The palace of justice was preceded by the prison complex from 1889, of number 988, which was used for the purposes of the Land Criminal Court and today is the seat of the Criminal Register. Later was decided to build a huge new object No. 1300. In 1929 construction began and the court moved here from Charles Square in 1933. It stayed here together with the regional prosecutor's office until 1952, when the building was taken over by the Supreme Court. The project was developed and implemented by Prague architect Bedřich Bendelmayer. He had already connected two standing residential houses and adapted the entrance building of the prison. It is a monumental Neo-Classicist building with two inner courtyards, influenced by the so-called national style, whose front side with columns are decorated with two statues by František Matějů - Justice with a sword and Justice with weights. The most prominent part of the court is the large jury, where fundamental processes of Czech history took place, such as the monster comunist process with Milada Horáková.
The Palace of Justice was preceded by the area of ​​the prison from 1889 with the descriptive number 988, which served for the purposes of the provincial criminal court and today houses the office of the criminal record. It was for him to decide on the construction of a new building No. 1300. Construction began in 1929 and the court moved here from Charles Square in 1933. It remained here together with the regional public prosecutor's office until 1952, when the building was taken over by the Supreme Court. The project was developed and implemented by the Prague architect Bedřich Bendelmayer. He connected two already standing residential houses and at the same time adapted the entrance building of the prison. It is a monumental neoclassical building with two inner courtyards, influenced by the so-called national style, whose front side with columns is decorated with two statues by František Matějů, Justice with a sword and Justice with scales. The most significant part of the court is the large jury hall, where fundamental processes of Czech history took place, such as the monster trial with Milada Horáková. The palace of justice was preceded by the prison complex from 1889, of number 988, which was used for the purposes of the Land Criminal Court and today is the seat of the Criminal Register. Later was decided to build a huge new object No. 1300. In 1929 construction began and the court moved here from Charles Square in 1933. It stayed here together with the regional prosecutor's office until 1952, when the building was taken over by the Supreme Court. The project was developed and implemented by Prague architect Bedřich Bendelmayer. He had already connected two standing residential houses and adapted the entrance building of the prison. It is a monumental Neo-Classicist building with two inner courtyards, influenced by the so-called national style, whose front side with columns are decorated with two statues by František Matějů - Justice with a sword and Justice with weights. The most prominent part of the court is the large jury, where fundamental processes of Czech history took place, such as the monster comunist process with Milada Horáková.
Martin Ulman on Google

Panu Lubosi Dorflovi bych vubec neveril. Mam osobni zkusenost. V roce 2017 jsem podal stiznost k policejnimu prezidiu na porusovani zakona a vydirani ze strany dusevne nemocne predsedkyne okresniho soudu v liberci ivany soljakove. Podani zpracoval pan Tomas Tuhy a odeslal je k NCOZ, oddeleni korupce a zavazne hospodarske kriminality. Ti oslovili predsedu Krajskeho soudu v Usti nad Labem. Ten to cele ztopil, stiznost na dusevne nemocnou odeslal dusevne nemocne. Do funkce predsedkyne ji zvolil on. Cely liberecky soud ma vyhlasenou reputaci. Nekolikrat jsem soucasnemu predsedovi psal stiznost, ze plosne svym jednanim poskozuji tamni hospodarstvi. Lzou a kradou. Verte si cemu chcete.
I would not believe Mr Lubos Dorfl at all. I have a personal experience. In 2017, I filed a complaint with the police presidium for violating the law and extortion by the mentally ill president of the district court in Liberec, Ivana Soljakova. The submission was processed by Mr. Tomas Tuhy and sent to the NCOZ, Department of Corruption and Serious Economic Crime. They addressed the president of the Regional Court in Ústí nad Labem. He drowned it all, sent a complaint to the mentally ill mentally ill. He elected her chair. The whole Liberec court has a declared reputation. I have complained to the current President on several occasions that my actions have been damaging the economy there. They lie and steal. Believe what you want.
Jaroslav Houdek on Google

Unless you work here, try to avoid this place.

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