Tm-Welding - Husínek 17

2.3/5 based on 3 reviews

Contact Tm-Welding

Address :

Husínek 17, 289 12 Sadská, Czechia

Postal code : 289
Categories :
City : Sadská

Husínek 17, 289 12 Sadská, Czechia
Robo Bartos on Google

Romana Čuperková on Google

Opravdu nedoporučuji
really I do not recommend
V D on Google

Dobrý den, chtěl by se s vámi podělit o mou zkušenost s firmou TM-WELDING vedenou pánem TOMÁŠEM MURANYI. Jednalo se o stavbu pobytové terasy, nebudu se zde rozepisovat o průběhu, jelikož by to bylo na hodně stránek. Shrnuto v pár slovech HRŮZA a KATASTROFA. Nejen, že dílo bylo nekvalitně provedeno se spoustou nedostatků, dokonce nám poškodili dům, pan Muranyi se vymlouval nebo nekomunikoval vůbec. Nakonec jsme kompenzaci řešili přes právníka. Už nikdy více tato firma, výrazně NEDOPORUČUJEME.
Good day, I would like to share with you my experience with the company TM-WELDING led by Mr. TOMÁŠ MURANY. It was the construction of a residential terrace, I will not go into detail about the course here, as it would be on many pages. Summarized in a few words HORROR and DISASTER. Not only did the work be of poor quality with many shortcomings, they even damaged our house, Mr. Muranyi made excuses or did not communicate at all. In the end, we solved the compensation through a lawyer. Never again this company, we strongly DO NOT RECOMMEND.

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