Top bike - motocykly

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Contact Top bike - motocykly

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Střítežská 28, 541 01 Trutnov, Czechia

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City : Trutnov

Střítežská 28, 541 01 Trutnov, Czechia
K. K. Hetflaisch on Google

Absolutne NEDOPORUCUJI,-vymena gufer,vymena oleju a filtru+STK,privezeni, odvezeni motocyklu+2 odpory na blinkry-cena 15 000kc, ceny na fakture neuplne ,takze faktura a kontrola uplne na H.., zadna konzultace s majitelem o dalsim nakupu veci co jste si neobjednali a ani nepotrebovali,a to nejlepsi nakonec cekani 2 mesice v sezone, Shrnuti-lepsi je udelat si sam ,cas a oprava bude se vsim vsudy kolem 4 000Kc do 2 dnu max a to se jeste den prospim,beru v uvahu to ze maj i jinou praci,ale tohle je KATASTROFA- Odpoved na vlastnika: Mozna bude problem v tom ,ze jsme byli jasne osobne domluveni ,ze pokud bude jakykoliv problem budete volat me a ne Mame ,ktera motocyklum nerozumi a byla pouze zprostredkovatel ,protoze jste ji byl doporucen,dale jsme byli pouze domluveni na vymene oleju,opravy gufer a nasledne STK. Karburator po vas nikdo nechtel a byl ok ,zadni pneu jste volal a tvrdil ze primouri oko na STK a projde,nasledne jste ji stejne koupil,navic jinou znacku nez je ve predu ,pokud mam ve predu Continental ,nevim proc kupujete do zadu nejake SHINKO TOUR,na motorce to vypada desne :-) nauctovano dale 80km od nas k vam toje 19 km a odvas do Trutnova 8km-to mame 38km za odvezeni a privezeni,16km na technickou a zpet,pokud jste musel 2krat tak daslich16km-me vyjde 70km a to mam jeste na motorce dalsich 25km najeto za muj benzin coz taky nechapu,vymena oleje v motoru nauctovano 1l oleje a dava se cca 3litry? vymena oleje v kardanu nauctovano 2litry dava se 0,2 l ? olej tlumicovy 1l dava se 0,8l-zustalo vam cca 0,2l -cistic sprej brzd 0,5l a to striknete 1 max 2 krat ,zbytek vam zustane-ani jeden jste me nedal zpet ,ale zaplatil jsem .Dale me neni jasny stav tachometru pri predani byl stav a toje dokumentovano fotografii 245 318,na fakture mate uvedeny stav 245 552 a na motorce je po privezeni 245528 a pul nadrze benzinu nikde :-) a to bych mohl pokracovat dal,takze nepovazuji svoji recenzi za nejaky blabol a uz vubec ,ze oprava vam trvala cele 2 mesice v sezone :-) pekny den
Absolutely I DO NOT RECOMMEND, -change of seals, oil and filter change + MOT, delivery, removal of the motorcycle + 2 resistors for turn signals-price 15 000kc, prices on the invoice do not complete, so the invoice and check completely on H .., no consultation with the owner about the next purchase things that you did not order and did not need, and the best is finally waiting for 2 months in the season, In summary - it is better to do it yourself, time and repair will always be around 4,000 CZK in 2 days max and I sleep that day, I take in I guess they have other work, but this is DISASTERS- Answer to the owner: Maybe the problem will be that we were clearly personally agreed that if there is any problem you will call me and not Mom, who does not understand the motorcycle and was only a broker, since you were recommended, we were only agreed to change the oil, repair the seals and then MOT. Nobody wanted you for a carburetor and he was ok, you called the rear tire and claimed that the eye was straight to the MOT and it would pass, then you bought it anyway, moreover a different brand than the one in front, if I have Continental in front, I don't know why you buy a SHINKO in the back TOUR, on a motorcycle it looks right :-) taught further 80km from us to you it's 19 km and you get to Trutnov 8km - we have 38km for transport and delivery, 16km for technical and back, if you had to 2 times so another 16km will come 70km and I still have another 25km driven on my motorcycle, which I don't understand either, the oil change in the engine is charged with 1 liter of oil and about 3 liters are given? oil change in the gimbal honored with 2 liters dava with 0.2 l? shock absorber oil 1l gives 0.8l - you have about 0.2l left -cleaning brake spray 0.5l and you spray it 1 max 2 times, the rest will remain - no one gave me back, but I paid. But then I am not clear tachometer at the time of sale was the condition and it is documented photo 245 318, on the invoice you have the status of 245 552 and on the motorcycle is after the delivery of 245528 and half a tank of gasoline nowhere :-) and I could continue to go, so I do not at all, that the repair took you a whole 2 months in the season :-) nice day
Jana Marková on Google

Velká ochota ?
Great willingness ?
Tonda Mach on Google

Ochotný mechanik,nemůžu si stěžovat.Práce má až nad hlavu,jsem frontě.
Helpful mechanic, I can not complain. The work is up to my head, I'm in line.
martin hofmann on Google

Ochotný a vstřícný člověk což se dnes už moc nevidí.......
A helpful and helpful person, which is not much seen today .......
RybarRybar73 Ladin on Google

Ochota a vstřícnost!! Naprosto uzasny a ochotny pan .
Willingness and helpfulness !! Absolutely amazing and helpful Mr..
Jaroslav Ostradecký on Google

Byl jsem spokojený, vřele doporučuji. Velice ochotný a vstřícný personál, ještě jsem si tam rád nakoupil oblečení. Po dohodě s majitelem servisu mi vše udělali jak jsem chtěl a potřeboval. Nemám žádné negativní zkušenosti. Za mě palec nahoru...
I was satisfied, I highly recommend. Very helpful and helpful staff, I still liked to buy clothes there. After agreement with the service owner they did everything as I wanted and needed. I have no negative experience. For me thumb up ...
Rene Skoda on Google

Ochota, široký sortiment, doporučuji‼️??
Willingness, wide range, I recommend‼ ️??
Roman Dula on Google

Ochota, vstřícnost, přehled. Doporučuji, je jen třeba se včas objednat. U dobrých řemeslníků je vždy fronta.
Willingness, helpfulness, overview. I recommend, you just need to order in time. There is always a queue for good craftsmen.

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