TUkas - ojeté vozy Modřany

4.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact TUkas - ojeté vozy Modřany

Address :

Gen. Šišky 4, 143 00 Praha 12-Modřany, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +77
Website : http://www.tukas.cz/
Categories :
City : Praha Modřany

Gen. Šišky 4, 143 00 Praha 12-Modřany, Czechia
Bc. Jaroslav Havránek on Google

Sháněli jsme zde vůz, personál milý a ochotný, jen jsme si bohužel v tu dobu nevybrali.
We were looking for a car, staff nice and helpful, but unfortunately we did not choose at that time.
P Vynikal on Google

Seriózní jednání a profesionální přístup. Uvidíme, co auto.
Serious negotiations and a professional approach. Let's see what a car.
Beliel בְּלִיַּ֫עַל on Google

Celkem široký výběr aut. Na poměrně uspořádné ploše se můžete procházet, nahlížet do vozů a posléze kontaktovat pána, který sedí zastrčený vzadu. Vjezd do areálu je zmateně značen a myslím, že nejeden člověk při hledání zabloudí a bude se vracet.
A wide selection of cars. You can walk on a fairly tidy surface, look at the cars, and then contact the gentleman who sits in the back. The entrance to the area is confused and I think that many people are lost in the search and will be returning.
Car Detailer on Google

Ukázková spolupráce při nákupu ojetého vozu: - profesionální přístup - vstřícný přístup - ochota - odborná profesionalita - produktová znalost (konkrétních vozů) A to vše i přes déšť sychravé podzimní soboty. Dlouho jsem nespolupracoval s takovým profíkem. Doporučuji!
Sample cooperation when buying a used car: - professional approach - friendly approach - willingness - professionalism - product knowledge (specific cars) And all this despite the rain of a dry autumn Saturday. I haven't worked with such a pro for a long time. I recommend!
Jenda Velisek on Google

Super profesionální přístup úžasná komunikace co se týče koupeneho auta úplná servisní historie a co bylo psáno to sedělo i podle cebie takže všem doporučuji
Yeas Joksol on Google

Absultní podvod škoda octavie 1,6 nafta vyteklé tlumiče motor ve 130 tis před smrtí a upřimný pán nelze zvednout na hevwr takže zatajovaní vad na naprávě. Nikdy vice
Absolute fraud damage octavia 1.6 diesel leaked shock absorber engine in 130 thousand before death and sincere gentleman can not rise to hevwr so concealing defects on the right. Never more
Zdislav Ruzicka on Google

Velice špatně značený autobazar. Jel jsem dvakrát kolem a nic. Čekáte nějaký nápis např. TUKAS, autobazar má jen jeden nápis ŠKODA. To je zavádějící. Jel jsem prodat automobil: Volkswagen Passat combi 1.8T , bohužel na ceně jsme se nedohodli. Technik stále chodil okolo auta, měřil sílu laku, auto není bourané, jsem první majitel a najeto má 29,000 km. Nabízel extrémní minimum a citoval 10 let staré tabulky. Chápu, chtěl vydělat za každou cenu. Jinak je to příjemný a společenský pán, hezky jsme si popovídali. Co říci závěrem. Autobazar má velice málo vystavených aut, možná je to nějaký ekonomický problém, a tomu nerozumím.
Very poorly marked used car dealership. I drove around twice and nothing. You are waiting for an inscription, eg TUKAS, the second-hand car market has only one ŠKODA inscription. This is misleading. I went to sell a car: Volkswagen Passat combi 1.8T, unfortunately we did not agree on the price. The technician was still walking around the car, measuring the strength of the paint, the car is not demolished, I am the first owner and he has driven 29,000 km. He offered an extreme minimum and quoted 10 year old tables. I see, he wanted to make money at all costs. Otherwise he is a nice and sociable gentleman, we had a nice chat. What to say in conclusion. Autobazar has very few cars on display, maybe it's an economic problem, and I don't understand that.
Alan DL on Google

I can only recommend Tukas. Bought a car a few months ago there and have no issue whatsoever. You definitely get what they advertise and no "hidden things" behind. Everything very professional. Ondrej was also great and a big help to make this purchase easy. They are telling you everything you need to know about the car, even if it has been repaired. Anyway, go with your mechanic to double check (as you would for any used car). The only thing we found was a couple of lights not working but they changed it immediately :). Big plus to them for being open to price negotiation. And not just for the sake of it but they are really fair about it too. They will also do all the paperwork related to the transfer of the car (for an extra fee). This is non-negotiable for them to avoid people not doing it on time and causing issues later on. I think it is worth it. Official dealers of KIA and Skoda among other brands. And (at least the branch I visited in Prague 4), English speaking staff.

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