TVM Tower Modřany

3.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact TVM Tower Modřany

Address :

Kutilova 3061/2, 143 00 Praha 12-Modřany, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +798
Website :
Categories :
City : Praha Modřany

Kutilova 3061/2, 143 00 Praha 12-Modřany, Czechia
Saly on Google

Pěstují tam štěnice. A musím říct, že jim to jde úplně bezvadně.
They grow bedbugs there. And I have to say that they are doing perfectly well.
Давид Бондарь on Google

V 10. patře v kuchyni nefunguje ani jedna zásuvka, před týdnem se o tom bavili na recepci, prý to udělají, zásuvky také nejdou. Po večerech cizí lidé chodí po pokojích bez klepání, narušují osobní prostor, spánek lidí. Štěnice jsou běžné v mnoha pokojích.
Not a single drawer in the kitchen on the 10th floor works, a week ago they talked about it at the reception, they say they will, the drawers also don't work. In the evenings, strangers walk around the rooms without knocking, disrupting personal space, people's sleep. Bedbugs are common in many rooms.
nukava1 on Google

Nevím jak ubytovna, ale s bistrem, které v přízemí funguje nyní asi půl roku a které dává jídlo sice pouze s sebou do krabičky, jsem velmi spokojen. Velmi dobré jídlo, ochotná a rychlá obsluha, ceny velmi příznivé. Chodím tam celkem pravidelně a jsem spokojen. Rozhodně mohu doporučit.
I don't know about the hostel, but I'm very satisfied with the bistro, which has been operating on the ground floor for about half a year now and which only puts food in a box. Very good food, helpful and fast service, very favorable prices. I go there quite regularly and I am satisfied. I can definitely recommend.
Learn Positive on Google

Not good for students, it's very costly.
Rahul Singh on Google

In ONE FOURTH of the rent of TVM tower you can get better rooms at CTU, Charles university dormitories.
毛海平 on Google

There is no hot water for a long time, and nobaby solve the problem. So you can't take shower and wash hair. It's a very very serious problem. So this hotle is not a good choice.
Vlad Imir on Google

Accomodation with good comute to city centre and for reasonable price.
Pegout Boxer on Google

A terrible place with lots of bedbugs inside. the hostel is inhabited by incomprehensible individuals. for students, it is better to look for something more suitable. for people who do not care where to sleep, this place is suitable. Patrick Swenson.

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