Ubytovna Soud - nám. Pionýrů 106

4.5/5 based on 2 reviews

Contact Ubytovna Soud

Address :

nám. Pionýrů 106, 435 46 Hora Svaté Kateřiny, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +7
Postal code : 435
Website : http://www.zskaterina.cz/
Categories :
City : Hora Svaté Kateřiny

nám. Pionýrů 106, 435 46 Hora Svaté Kateřiny, Czechia
Martin Hanzel on Google

In the godforsaken piece of land you wil find the warmest hospitality. If the hostel is full they stll give you the the roof above your head in the scholl class. During the holiday it is funny mainly for all of our kids. The breakfast is offered as well. Thank you very much, ladies. Je to nádherný a drsný kraj. Spoléhal jsem, že při přejezdu Krušnohorského hřebenu najdu v každé obci večerku, ale zle jsem se mýlil. Ochotná paní správcová nám přivezla nákup z města. Doporučuji všem, kteří dáváte přednost nenákladnému cestování. I se snídaní se tu dá ubytovat pod 100Kč na osobu Dámy, díky za Vaši pohostinnost
In the godforsaken piece of land you wil find the warmest hospitality. If the hostel is full they stll give you the the roof above your head in the scholl class. During the holiday it is funny mainly for all of our kids. The breakfast is offered as well. Thank you very much, ladies. It is a beautiful and rugged region. I trusted to find a convenience store in every village when crossing the Krušnohorský ridge, but I was wrong. The helpful caretaker brought us a purchase from the city. I recommend it to anyone who prefers inexpensive travel. Even with breakfast you can stay here for less than 100 CZK per person Ladies, thanks for your hospitality
Lukáš Trojánek on Google


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