Úniková hra MysteryRoom

4.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Úniková hra MysteryRoom

Address :

Anenská 10, 602 00 Brno-střed, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +798
Website : http://www.mysteryroom.cz/
Categories :
City : Brno střed

Anenská 10, 602 00 Brno-střed, Czechia
Iva on Google

Moje druhá únikovka, některé věci byly založeny na stejném principu jako u první, takže jsem na začátku tolik netápala, ale dokončit hru jsme v časovém limitu (90min) nakonec stejně nestihli. :D Pro polovinu týmu to byla vůbec první zkušenost. Doporučuju.
My second escape, some things were based on the same principle as the first, so I didn't bother that much at the beginning, but we didn't manage to finish the game within the time limit (90 min) anyway. : D It was the first experience for half of the team. I recommend.
Michaela Janků on Google

Skvělá zábava pro celou rodinu. Doporučuji spolu komunikovat a nenechávat si nic pro sebe - každý může pochopit indicii jinak. Určitě chválím moc milý personál a klimatizaci. Homunkula jsme oživili v časovém limitu s drobnou nápovědou od ducha alchymisty a příště se chystáme na vedlejší únikovku - cirkus.
Great fun for the whole family. I recommend communicating together and not keep anything to yourself - everyone can understand the clue differently. I definitely praise the very nice staff and air conditioning. We have revived Homunkula within the time limit with a little help from the spirit of an alchemist, and next time we are preparing for a side escape - a circus.
Michal Jelínek on Google

Máme za sebou již přes desítku únikových her v Brně a Praze. Zakletý cirkus se řadí mezi jednu z námi nejlépe hodnocených. Hezky zpracované prostředí, zajímavé nápady a navíc velice příjemná obsluha mi nedávají jinou možnost, než hodnotit 5 hvězdičkami.
We already have over a dozen escape games in Brno and Prague. The Enchanted Circus is one of our best rated. Nicely designed environment, interesting ideas and also very pleasant service give me no choice but to rate it with 5 stars.
Miroslav Švarc on Google

Farnost: Skvělá úniková hra. Všechny úkoly dávali smysl a pěkně na sebe navazovaly. Prostředí hry skvěle dokresluje atmosféru, takže jsme se plně vžili do role. Určitě doporučuji!
Parish: Great escape game. All the tasks made sense and followed each other nicely. The environment of the game perfectly complements the atmosphere, so we fully took on the role. Definitely recommend!
Zuzana Rakovská on Google

Hra Zaklety cirkus je nekoncepcna a nelogicka. Pocas hry sme ziadali o napovedu opakovane a nikto nam neodpovedal. Niektore artefakty nafungovali (bolo nam povedane obsluhou,ze nie je jasne preco) a vacsinou uloh sme vyriesili nejakou stastnou nahodou bez toho,aby sme vedeli ako. Hru jednoznacne nedoporucujem a hodnotim ju ako jednu z koncepcne najhorsich v Brne, a to mam v Brne prejdene takmer vsetko. Jedina pozitivna vec je,ze vizualne je Zaklety cirkus velmi pekne spracovany.
The game Enchanted Circus is unconceptual and illogical. During the game, we asked for help repeatedly and no one answered us. Some of the artifacts worked (we were told by the staff that it was not clear why) and we solved most of the tasks by some lucky one without knowing how. I definitely do not recommend the game and rate it as one of the worst conceptually in Brno, and I have almost everything in Brno. The only positive thing is that visually, the Enchanted Circus is very nicely done.
Daniela Vasas on Google

The best "escape game" I have experienced.
Sasha Wanasky on Google

The escape room was amazing and the staff extremely friendly. We chose the medium difficulty and 90 min time. Some of the tasks were fairly easy and others were a little harder but the employee was helpful and gave us some hints if we wanted them. We managed to solve it in 64 min so we still had 26 min left but only 60 min would have been too short for medium difficulty. The atmosphere was really authentic and it was easy to feel like we were part of the story. Even though there was limited time we didn't feel too stressed and it was an overall fun experience for a very fair price. An important thing I should mention is that you'll have to bring cash because they don't accept credit cards and there's no atm nearby.
Charlon Muscat on Google

We're just out of the room right now and honestly lost for words. Everything around is designed and programmed by the owners with precision and attention to detail. The animations look absolutely stunning. Definitely give this a go if in Brno!

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