Veletržní palác

3.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Veletržní palác

Address :

Holešovice, 170 00 Praha 7, Czechia

Categories :
City : Praha

Holešovice, 170 00 Praha 7, Czechia
Lolla Partlová on Google

Fzh Esmaeili on Google

Dalibor Koščo on Google

Je to pouze tramvajová zastávka.
It's just a tram stop.
Dušan Roštár on Google

Úžasné diela ale personál je na samostatné múzeum. Starší ľudia asi z najatej sbs. Niektorí OK, iní vás chcú zabiť očami. Ukazujem na obraz, pani už kričí "nechytajte obrazy" (BTW obraz bol za sklom). Nik nevie nič odborné poradiť, neviete poriadne čo je v akom okruhu. Nik nevie nič k tomu čo sa vystavuje. Chodia za vami a pozerajú sa čo robíte. Jediní kto vedel niečo k veci boli ľudia dole za deskom. Diela super, odporúčam. Len sa pripravte na personál. A riaditeľa vyhodte (ak tam dáky je).
Amazing works but the staff is at a separate museum. Older people probably from hired sbs. Some OK, others want to kill you with their eyes. I point to the picture, the lady is already shouting "don't catch the pictures" (BTW the picture was behind the glass). Nobody knows anything professional advice, you don't really know what is in which area. Nobody knows anything about what is exposed. They follow you and watch what you do. The only ones who knew anything about it were the people down behind the board. Works great, I recommend. Just get ready for the staff. And fire the director (if there's a thank you).
Filip on Google

Expozice jsou super, jidlo v kavarne take perfektni, ale cely ten prostor je takovy jaksi neutiseny. Loupajici se barva, holy beton a vsudypritomne praskliny nevytvareji uplne nejlepsi atmosferu. "Detsky koutek" tvorici sedy koberec a par rozhazenych hracek by si take zaslouzil dustojnejsi reseni. Ale je mi jasne, ze asi delaji maximum..
The expositions are great, the food in the café is also perfect, but the whole space is somewhat unpressed. Peeling paint, bare concrete and all-cracks do not create the best atmosphere. A "children's corner" consisting of a gray carpet and a few scattered toys would also deserve a more serious solution. But I'm sure I do my best ..
Rudolf Stránecký on Google

To je ale plýtvání prostorem. Asi tomu nerozumím. Přijde mi, že by to šlo dělat víc na úrovni. Když porovnám využití londýnské Tate modern a toto, tak nemám dobrý pocit. Moc to tam nežije.
What a waste of space. Perhaps I do not understand. It seems to me that it could be done more on a level. When I compare the use of London's Tate modern and this, I don't feel good. It lives there too.
Kara Boy on Google

Très belle collection d'artistes tchèques mais également français. L'espace permet de découvrir les œuvres en tournant autour. Du centre de Prague le tramway vous déposera tout près.
Very nice collection of Czech but also French artists. The space allows you to discover the works by turning around. From the center of Prague the tram will drop you close.
Dj Slavo on Google

Great arts from 18th and 19th centurY

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