Venkovní posilovna "Dědský park" - Opárenská 116

4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Venkovní posilovna "Dědský park"

Address :

Opárenská 116, 410 02 Malé Žernoseky, Czechia

Postal code : 410
Categories :
City : Malé Žernoseky

Opárenská 116, 410 02 Malé Žernoseky, Czechia
Pavel Rovenský on Google

Velké ocenění za každé takovéto místo, bohužel ne všichni si toho váží ?
Great awards for any such place, unfortunately not everyone appreciates it ?
Jaroslav Kohák on Google

Pěkná, ale na to že je to Dědská posilovna, tak tam nebyl ani jeden dědek.
Nice, but since it's the Children's Gym, there wasn't a single old man.
Ondřej Grim on Google

Tak děti si tu cestou zablbnou, ale nepřijde mi že by sem kdy chodila ta správná věková kategorie
So the children get lost along the way, but I don't think the right age category would ever come here
Anežka Grimová on Google

Pro nás vždy nutná zastávka při cestě oparenskym údolím. Děti se zde vyřadí. Škoda, že bosonohy chodnicek už chátrá, ten byl fajn.
For us, we always need a stop on the way through the Oparno valley. Children are eliminated here. It's a pity that the barefoot of the sidewalks are already falling into disrepair, he was fine.
Lubomír Merta on Google

Klidné místo v přírodě, kde se můžete cestou z procházky po údolí zastavit a unavit pořádně děti ? Jedno z míst, které Žernosekům závidím ?
A quiet place in nature, where you can stop on the way from a walk through the valley and get really tired of the children ? One of the places I envy the Žernoseks ?
Veronika Siveková on Google

Neudržované posilovací stroje. Na obou vstupech odpadkový koš a stejně odpadky na zemi...
Unmaintained fitness machines. At both entrances trash can and the same trash on the ground ...
Karel Gut on Google

Moc pěkné místo a za 50 korun na den osoba.
Very nice place and for 50 crowns per day person.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Venkovní sportovní areál v Malých Žernosekách byl otevřen v roce 2005. V areálu lze pořádat i sportovní dny pro školy či jiná zařízení, sportovní turnaje např. v malé kopané nebo nohejbalu a další. Nachází se v přírodě, v příjemném prostředí jen několik desítek metrů od vstupu do Opárenského údolí. Dostanete se k němu po turistické cestě/cyklostezce údolím přes můstek přes Milešovský potok vpravo. Součástí areálu je i venkovní posilovna Dědský park - nabízí stroje pro pohybové aktivity a rehabilitační cvičení pro dospělé včetně seniorů. The outdoor sports complex in Malé Žernoseky village was opened in 2005. Sports venues for schools and other facilities, sports tournaments such as small soccer or football, etc. can be organized on the premises. It is located in beautiful countryside, in a pleasant environment just a few dozen meters from the entrance to the Opárenské valley. You can reach it on a hiking/cycling trail through the valley through the bridge over Milešovský brook to the right. Part of the complex is the outdoor gym Senior park - it offers machines for physical activities and rehabilitation exercises for adults including the elderly.
The outdoor sports complex in Malé Žernoseky was opened in 2005. Sports complexes for schools and other facilities, sports tournaments such as five-a-side football or football and more can also be organized in the complex. It is located in nature, in a pleasant environment just a few tens of meters from the entrance to the Opárenské valley. You can get to it along a hiking trail / bike path through the valley over the bridge over the Milešovský stream on the right. Part of the complex is also an outdoor gym Dědský park - offers machines for physical activities and rehabilitation exercises for adults, including seniors. The outdoor sports complex in Malé Žernoseky village was opened in 2005. Sports venues for schools and other facilities, sports tournaments such as small soccer or football, etc. can be organized on the premises. It is located in beautiful countryside, in a pleasant environment just a few dozen meters from the entrance to the Opárenské valley. You can reach it on a hiking / cycling trail through the valley through the bridge over Milešovský brook to the right. Part of the complex is the outdoor gym Senior park - it offers machines for physical activities and rehabilitation exercises for adults including the elderly.

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