Venkovní úniková hra - Tajemství iluminátů

5/5 based on 6 reviews

Contact Venkovní úniková hra - Tajemství iluminátů

Address :

Platnéřská 88/9, 110 00 Josefov, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +788
Website :
Categories :
City : Josefov

Platnéřská 88/9, 110 00 Josefov, Czechia
Milan Vejlupek on Google

Jana Pohludkova on Google

Úžasný koncept, naprosto kouzelné rekvizity, které nás brilantně přenesly v čase zpět. Nevšední vstup do hry byl počátkem fantastického příběhu s postupným řešením dokonale do sebe zapadajících úkolů, které nás provedly starou částí Prahy a dovolily nám ji poznat zase trošku jinak. Vše bylo profesionálně dotaženo a spolu s báječným zážitkem jsme si odnesli i malé překvapení. Doporučuji všem napříč generacemi !
Amazing concept, absolutely magical props they brilliantly carried us back in time. The unusual entry into the game was the beginning of a fantastic story with a gradual solution of perfectly fitting tasks that took us through the old part of Prague and allowed us to get to know it a little differently. Everything was professionally tightened and together with a wonderful experience we took home a small surprise. I recommend to everyone across generations!
Dávid Fulka on Google

Such a well planned outdoor escape game including a fascinating range of challenges to suit our different personality types! A wonderful way to celebrate our friend's birthday. Thanks so much.
Honza Basus on Google

I have really enjoyed the experience! Great way to explore Prague in addition to fascinating puzzles. Recommend going in groups with more than 3 people as a good teamwork is really important.
Alex Slota on Google

Outdoor escape room experience was outstanding and very clever, puzzles made you think from other perspectives each time! Combined with sightseeing Prague's most beautiful places I truly enjoyed myself. I recommend group of 4 is a perfect match. :)10/10
Mishel Lichvarova on Google

Outdoor escape room is a unique experience to see the old town of Prague from a different perspective. It will make you notice details that you would normally overlook. I really enjoyed the game. The puzzles were cleverly incorporated into the sights of the city. I recommend it for group of 4 and more.

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