Vernacular Architecture in Rumburg

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Contact Vernacular Architecture in Rumburg

Address :

408 01 Rumburk, Czechia

Categories :
City : Rumburk

408 01 Rumburk, Czechia
Tess Kozáková on Google

krásné domy
beautiful houses
Vlastislav Novák on Google

Malé, ale hezké městečko.
Small but nice town.
Vladimir Bartejs on Google

Magdalena Tomančáková on Google

Celá ulice plná krásných původních chalup. Pojedete-li přes Rumburk, je to zastávka na pár minut.
The whole street full of beautiful original cottages. If you drive through Rumburk, it is a stop for a few minutes.
Radek Fryc on Google

Ještě , že jsou mezi námi lidé , jež zachovávají naši krásnou řemeslnou minulost pro budoucí generace . Ne jako to dopadlo s mnoha fabrikami . Smekám před nimi .
Still, there are people among us who preserve our beautiful craftmanship for future generations. Not like it did with many factories. I'm going in front of them.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Ulice s 18 podstávkovými domy tkalců, označovaná lidově jako Zvědavá ulička, byla po roce 1945 přejmenována na počest spisovatele Aloise Vojtěcha Šmilovského (1837-1883). Od roku 1995 je chráněna jako vesnická památková rezervace. Leží západně od jádra města, v bývalé vsi Neusorge. Do roku 1785 se zde pravděpodobně rozkládalo pole. Poté byl pozemek se souhlasem majitele rumburského panství Aloise knížete z Liechtensteinu rozdělen na 34 parcel a rozprodán poddaným řemeslníkům. Téměř polovinu majitelů tvořili původně tkalci, neboť plátenictví bylo nejvýznamnějším nezemědělským hospodářským odvětvím regionu. Ulice se do roku 1945 nazývala Scheibe-Gasse. The street with 18 half-timbered houses of weavers, known as the Curious Lane, was renamed after 1945 in honor of the writer Alois Vojtěch Šmilovský (1837-1883). Since 1995 it has been protected as a village conservation area. It lies west of the city center, in the former village called Neusorge. There was probably a field in these places until 1785. Then, with the consent of the owner of the Rumburk manor Alois Prince of Liechtenstein, the land was divided into 34 plots and sold to subjects of craftsmen. Almost half of the owners were originally weavers, as canvas work was the most important non-agricultural economic sector in the region. Until 1945 the street was called Scheibe-Gasse.
The street with 18 half-timbered houses of weavers, popularly known as Curious Alley, was renamed after 1945 in honor of the writer Alois Vojtěch Šmilovský (1837-1883). Since 1995, it has been protected as a village monument reserve. It lies west of the city center, in the former village of Neusorge. Until 1785, the field was probably located here. After that, with the consent of the owner of the Rumburk estate, Alois, Prince of Liechtenstein, the land was divided into 34 plots and sold to serf craftsmen. Almost half of the owners were originally weavers, as linen was the most important non-agricultural sector of the region. Until 1945, the street was called Scheibe-Gasse. The street with 18 half-timbered houses of weavers, known as the Curious Lane, was renamed after 1945 in honor of the writer Alois Vojtěch Šmilovský (1837-1883). Since 1995 it has been protected as a village conservation area. It lies west of the city center, in the former village called Neusorge. There was probably a field in these places until 1785. Then, with the consent of the owner of the Rumburk manor Alois Prince of Liechtenstein, the land was divided into 34 plots and sold to subjects of craftsmen. Almost half of the owners were originally weavers, as canvas work was the most important non-agricultural economic sector in the region. Until 1945 the street was called Scheibe-Gasse.
Lenka Andršová on Google

Podstávkové domy, které jsou typické pro oblast Šluknovského výběžku, tvoří sice krátkou ale velmi malebnou uličku. Té se také říká "zvědavá ulička" podle toho, že domky jakoby nahlíží na to, co se na cestě děje. Např na Dny podstávkových domů se otevírají jejich dveře pro širokou veřejnost.
The half-timbered houses, which are typical of the Šluknov region, form a short but very picturesque alley. This is also called the "curious alley", according to the fact that the houses seem to view what is going on on the way. For example, the Days of Bedding opens their doors for the general public.
Evosheek on Google

V Rumburku ve Šmilovského ulici se nachází 18 podstávkových domů. Domy jsou od roku 1995 památkově chráněny a rozhodně stojí za zhlédnutí. Mnohé z domů mají dodnes dochované dekorativní štíty z břidlicových šablon.
In Rumburk in Šmilovský Street there are 18 sleeping houses. Houses have been preserved since 1995 and are definitely worth seeing. Many of the houses still have preserved decorative shale shale shingles.

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