Veterinary clinic KheironVet - Maroldova 1340

4.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Veterinary clinic KheironVet

Address :

Maroldova 1340, 250 82 Úvaly, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +778
Postal code : 250
Website :
Categories :
City : Úvaly

Maroldova 1340, 250 82 Úvaly, Czechia
Aleš Marcel on Google

Neustale se v poslednim roce a pul stridaji doktori. Profesionalita a vstricnost, ktera zde byvala se tim zcela vytratila.
Doctors have been changing for the last year and a half. The professionalism and responsiveness that used to be here has completely disappeared.
Barbora Karnetova on Google

Po odchodu dvou vynikajících veterinářů klinika upadá. Nedoporučuji. Nebudu svěřovat své psy odborníkovi na velbloudy..
After the departure of two excellent veterinarians, the clinic declines. I do not recommend. I will not entrust my dogs to a camel expert.
Michaela Šeborová on Google

Pan doktor nas vzal i mimo objednani v sobotu a poskytl nasemu psovi prvni pomoc velmi dobre. Jen mi chybelo vice vysvetleni, co se psem dela a jak pokracovat dal.
The doctor took us out of the order on Saturday and provided our dog with first aid very well. I just missed more explanations of what the dog was doing and how to proceed.
Helena on Google

Nedoporucuji. Drive naprosta spokojenost (pece o psa i kočky), ale po odchodu 2 veterinaru již v kliniku nemáme důvěru. Doktoři nemluvi česky a veterinární pece značně klesla jak na úrovni, tak profesionalite.
I do not recommend. Drive complete satisfaction (dog and cat ovens), but after the departure of 2 vets we no longer have confidence in the clinic. Doctors do not speak Czech and veterinary ovens have declined considerably both in terms of level and professionalism.
Martina Voňavková on Google

Dobrý den, s veterinární klinikou a zejména s paní doktorkou Vávrovou a panem doktorem Loličem jsem maximálně spokojená. Kliniku navštšvuji cca 15 let,. Bohužel, oba jmenování z kliniky odchází. A tomu nerozumím, proč? Nechat odejít super doktory, kteří naše zvířata milují? Nastupující pan doktor, mě bohužel nepřesvědčil. A tak, ač nerada, tuto kliniku již nedoporučuji. Děkuji.
Good day, I am extremely satisfied with the veterinary clinic and especially with Dr. Vávrová and Dr. Lolič. I have been visiting the clinic for about 15 years. Unfortunately, both appointments leave the clinic. And I don't understand why? Let the super doctors who love our animals go? Unfortunately, the incoming doctor did not convince me. So, although I don't like it, I don't recommend this clinic anymore. Thank you.
JustFallenOfficial on Google

Vždy největší spokojenost,nikdy nečekáme dlouho + hodně milá slečna co tam pracuje za počítačem [✓] ?
Always the greatest satisfaction, we never wait long + a very nice girl who works there at the computer [✓] ?
Marián Montško on Google

Friendly people here!
Simon Congiu-Shurey on Google

Great service/prices and all the vets speak English

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