Veterinary Clinic Suchdol, Ltd.

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Veterinary Clinic Suchdol, Ltd.

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Suchdolské nám. 1249/8, 165 00 Praha 6, Czechia

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City : Praha

Suchdolské nám. 1249/8, 165 00 Praha 6, Czechia
Hana Reynaud on Google

Na veterinarni kliniku jsem přijela s kocourkem narychlo. Přestože měli operační hodiny, tak mě pani doktorka ochotně přijala a pečlivě se kocourkovi věnovala. Veškerá vyšetření i následující péči provedla pečlivě, se zájmem o zvířátko. Kocourka si tam nechali na infúze a večer jsme si našeho mazlíčka odvezli. Stav se velice zlepšil. Mohu říci jen to, že jednání na teto klinice je vysoce profesionální, s lidským přístupem a ochotou. Moc děkuji Hana
I arrived at the veterinary clinic with the boy in a hurry. Although they had operating hours, the doctor willingly accepted me and took care of the boy carefully. She performed all the examinations and subsequent care carefully, with an interest in the pet. They kept the kitten there for infusions and we took our pet in the evening. The condition has greatly improved. All I can say is that acting at this clinic is highly professional, with a human approach and willingness. Thank you very much Hana
Miloslav Zapletal on Google

Na veterinu Suchdol jsme se dostali jakožto nově přistěhovaní do Lysolají. Naše 10ti letá fenka labradora trpěla zánětem močového měchýře. Díky vstřícnému přístupu paní doktorky, která dělala celkové krevní obrazy, aby neponechala nic náhodě, tak se podařilo vše vyřešit - tedy spokojenost a děkujeme. V půlce Února se naší Ajše začala dělat na horním víčku jakási bradavice/vřídek ( cca 2mm). Šli jsme tedy na veterinu Suchdol, kde nám doporučili co nejrychleji nechat útvar vyříznout. Po předchozí zkušenosti jsme neváhali a objednali se na termín hned za 5 dní. Ajšu uspali do plné narkózy ( teď již vím, že zbytečně) a útvar vyřízli. Při přebrání nám řekli, že operace proběhla bez komplikací a všechny stehy jsou zkontrolovány a jsou mimo oko, aby nepoškodili rohovku. Po 3 dnech na kontrole zjistili, že stehy zřejmě nebyly zas tak mimo oko, jak se zdálo a že jeden z nich poškodil rohovku ( vytvořil rohovkový vřed). Rychle jeden ze stehů odstranili ( po 3 dnech od operace) a řekli, že teď už to je čisté a do oka nic nezasahuje. Dostali jsme na kapání antibiotika, umělé slzy a SentrX Eye gel na hojení rohovky. Po dalším týdnu na kontrole (kdy se oko nezlepšovalo, ale naopak) nám řekli, že takhle to s rohovkovými vředy je a že se musí prostě "vykapat". Tak jsem se rozhodli, že radši zajdeme na konzultaci ještě jinam. Naštěstí jsme se dostali k MVDr. Skalovi na veterinárni kliniku Na Hrádku ( pan doktor Skala nám již v minulosti Ajšu léčil a operoval přetržený křížový vaz). Teď jsme po dalším akutním zákroku - debridement nekrotického povrchu vředu, mřížková keratotomie a přešití oka skarifikovaným 3. víčkem. Navíc srůst víčka po předchozí operaci není vůbec ideální, kdy se vytvořil lehký překryv dvou spojovaných stran řezu. Zkrátka - relativně banální zákrok, kterým bylo vyříznutí malinkého útvaru z horního víčka skončilo bojem o záchranu zraku na toto oko. Nechci psát, že veterina Suchdol je špatná, pouze zkušenost, kdy toto bohužel nezvládli - ba naopak byl způsoben ještě větší problém. ( v tomto celém případě figuruje pan doktor - s paní doktorkou máme pouze předchozí - pozitivní - zkušenost)
We got to the Suchdol vet as a new immigrant to Lysolají. Our 10-year-old female Labrador suffered from bladder inflammation. Thanks to the helpful approach of the doctor, who did the overall blood counts so as not to leave anything to chance, everything was solved - that is, satisfaction and thank you. In the middle of February, our Aisha started to make a kind of warts / ulcers on the upper lid (approx. 2 mm). So we went to the Suchdol vet, where we were advised to have the unit cut as soon as possible. After previous experience, we did not hesitate and booked for a date in just 5 days. Aisha was put to full anesthesia (now I know it was useless) and cut out the unit. Upon receipt, we were told that the operation went without complications and that all sutures are checked and out of sight to avoid damaging the cornea. After 3 days of inspection, they found that the stitches were probably not as out of the eye as they seemed and that one of them had damaged the cornea (created a corneal ulcer). They quickly removed one of the stitches (3 days after the operation) and said that now it was clean and nothing affected the eye. We got antibiotic dripping, artificial tears and SentrX Eye corneal healing gel. After another week at the check-up (when the eye did not improve, but vice versa) they told us that this is the case with corneal ulcers and that they simply have to "drip". So we decided that we would rather go to the consultation elsewhere. Fortunately, we got to MVDr. Skala at the veterinary clinic Na Hrádku (Dr. Skala has already treated Ajša and operated on a broken cruciate ligament in the past). We are now after another acute procedure - debridement of the necrotic surface of the ulcer, lattice keratotomy and suturing of the eye with a scarified 3rd eyelid. In addition, the fusion of the eyelid after the previous operation is not ideal at all, when a slight overlap of the two joined sides of the incision has formed. In short - a relatively banal intervention, which was cutting out a tiny formation from the upper eyelid, ended in a struggle to save sight of this eye. I do not want to write that the Suchdol veterinarian is bad, only an experience when they unfortunately did not manage this - on the contrary, an even bigger problem was caused. (in this whole case there is a doctor - we have only previous - positive - experience with the doctor)
Clara Barrionuevo on Google

Very nice service!
Trevor Marshall on Google

Always kind and helpful.
Lia Manafova on Google

The doctor seemed very indifferent to my problems. Nonetheless, I Spent 8000 czk here to diagnose my dog’s tumor and the histology diagnosis came “clear”. It’s a good thing I went to Bila Hora veterinary for second opinion and they diagnosed my dog correctly - now we are treating her and my dog’s quality of life has improved thanks to a different vet. 8000 czk down the drain with this veterinary, but what can you do, I guess ??‍♀️
Kristina Gainanova on Google

Lovely and fast! I thank you for taking care of my cat!
duygu üstüner on Google

I left my baby and went there to have vaccination for my dog on Saturday with an appointment. Even they didn't tell me on the phone, the nurse asked me to pay an extra 300 kc as an emergency fee. When I asked the nurse why she didn't tell me on the phone. She said that sometimes they are too busy. So what? Everyone is busy, but has to do their job. She didn't even apologize. She was reactive. This place is not for people who want good customer relationship.
J T on Google

Went all the way across town for an appointment with an orthopedist, recommended by our regular vet. When we got there they told us the orthopedist was sick and that they didn't have our number on file, even though we gave it to them on the phone. Wasted time and petrol on this. Cannot comment on the vet, will go elsewhere instead. Language was not the issue, communication was all done by my Czech girlfriend.

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