VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava - Planetarium Ostrava

4.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava - Planetarium Ostrava

Address :

K Planetáriu 502, 725 26 Ostrava-Krásné Pole, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +9999
Website : https://planetariumostrava.cz/
Categories :
City : Ostrava Krásné Pole

K Planetáriu 502, 725 26 Ostrava-Krásné Pole, Czechia
Viliam Kokavec on Google

Moc pěkné prostředí, úchvatný program a nezapomenutelný zážitek. Snad jen pro menší děti to bylo nezajímavé, asi čekaly něco jiného.
Power nice environment, breathtaking program and an unforgettable experience. Perhaps only for smaller children it was uninteresting, something else waited.
Martin Šimoník on Google

Super představení pro děti, nicméně opravdu doporučuji minimálně 5 let věku. Moc pěkné prostředí a expozice, škoda, že některé byly mimo provoz.
Great show for kids, however I really recommend at least 5 years of age. Very nice environment and exposure, a pity that some were out of order.
ptr vlsk on Google

Neví te kam zajít a máte vše probádané po Ostravě, určitě by jste neměli minout Planetárium, stojí to za to ten strávený čas tady. Více popisovat není třeba, jelikož těch informací dostanete tady dost.
You don't know where to go and you have everything to explore in Ostrava, you should definitely not miss the Planetarium, it's worth the time spent here. There is no need to describe more, as you will get enough information here.
matys games on Google

Jitka Kaiserova on Google

Eva Somska on Google

jan stenko on Google

Great place (not-only) for all astronomy geeks ;) Nice interactive permanent exhibition when you can learn more about universe and earth and try e.g. how it is to jump on the Moon. Do you want to tuch “the alien”? The part of the exhibition is big iron and nikel made meteorit free for tuching. Planetarium offers daily program for adults and kids like the music under the sky or observation of stars, nebulas and another interesting objects.
Matthew Stratford on Google

fantastic evening , great staff , my travel from England to see and be shown the night skies , brougt back memories using the telescopes back in South Africa , thank you to all the staff for a great evening , and glad we got to try out finding the Comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner,and we found it., hope to be able to attend again in the winter when I next visit my family in Hradec nad Moravicí, and thank you to Daniel for explaining to me a lot if things in English

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