Výkup a prodej vozů - Kramařík Pavel - Vrcha 248

4.1/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Výkup a prodej vozů - Kramařík Pavel

Address :

Vrcha 248, 537 01 Sobětuchy, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +898
Postal code : 537
Opening hours :
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–5PM
Tuesday 9AM–5PM
Wednesday 9AM–5PM
Thursday 9AM–5PM
Friday 9AM–5PM
Saturday 9AM–12PM
Categories :
City : Sobětuchy

Vrcha 248, 537 01 Sobětuchy, Czechia
Martin Cerny on Google

Ondrej Koblizek on Google

Jan Pešek on Google

Petra Čepková on Google

Kvalitní servis
Quality service
Josef Capek on Google

Nejlepší nabídku připravil právě Pan Kramařík.. Děkuji.
The best offer was prepared by Mr. Kramařík .. Thank you.
Ondřej Krumpl on Google

Naprosto skvělá domluva, nic není problém, pracuje téměř vždy, takže auto o víkendu nebo svátku opraveno. Je to můj dvorní mechanik. ?
Absolutely great agreement, nothing is a problem, works almost always, so the car on the weekend or holiday repaired. He's my court mechanic. ?
Tomas Kvitek on Google

U tohoto pana jsem si nechal prelakovat zadni odreny nárazník na Octavii II. Pri prvnim kontaktu mi byla slibena cena do 2.500 Kc, s tim, ze se musi cely nárazník sundat, vyndat senzory atd. Termin byl dle domluvy cca 4 dny, coz mi prislo zcela normalni, pri sundani, brouseni, strikani, nandani atd. Po cca 4 dnech se pan ozval, ze pri brouseni se mu zbytek barvy loupe a ze to musi cele obrousit a nalakovat komplet a ze se navýší cena na cca 3.800 Kč, coz byl velký narust, ale po společne domluvě, aby to udělal dle sveho nejlepsiho svedomi a vědomí, jsme se domluvili a termin se prodlouzil. Pri převzetí vozu samozrejme na vsechno spěchal a na prvni pohled se vse zdalo v pořádku. Bohuzel jsem si všiml, ze vozidlo melo oproti puvodnimu stavu pri predani najeto o 60 km vice a na dotaz, jak dokazal najet na dvore 60 km, mi odpověděl, ze musel dvakrat do Prelouce pro barvu, protoze mu došla. Najete kilometry skutečně odpovidaji ceste tam, zpet a tam, zpět. Nicmene by si zadny mechanik, nemel dovolit jezdit cizim autem, dokonce bez dokladů, coz je bohuzel běžná praxe a slycham to casto i od znamych známých. Jelikoz se jednalo o "lakovnu" na doporuceni, nechtel jsem dělat zle, ale ocividne jsem měl a dnes lituju, ze jsem za tuto práci dal jednu jedinou korunu a jeste, ze se pan vesele projíždel po pardubicku cizim vozem bez jakehokoliv souhlasu. Po blizsim zkoumani jsem zjistil, ze vubec naraznik nesundal, brousil a lakoval ho na autě, pouze tak, ze ho odklopil od prilehajicich dilu, coz se samozrejme projevilo na zkroucenem konecnem slicovani dilu jak venkovnich, tak vnitrnich platovych dilu. Auto bylo dale plne barevneho prachu z brouseni a smradu z barvy. Dale v kufru vezl nejaky náhradní díl mastny od oleje, který zanechal skvrny na koberci. Pri sundani zadnich světel odstipl kus laku na kovové casti karoserie, linka vedouci od zadniho svetla dolu k silnici je kriva, jak kdyz to delal pod vlivem a na horni hrane narazniku je tak tenka vrstva barvy, ze prosvita sedivy plast, a neni se cemu divit, kdyz se tam poradne nedostal pri nesundanem nárazníku. Jako posledni tecka, parkovaci senzory byly nasazene tak, ze zapadavaly dovnitr narazniku. Suma sumarum, horší stav, nez odreny nárazník. Tady u tohoto pana bych si nenechal "opravit" ci jinak upravit ani stareho Favorita. Opravdu nedoporucuji!!!
With this man, I had a pre-painted rear scuffed bumper on the Octavia II. At the first contact I was promised price up to 2.500 Kc, with the fact that the entire bumper must be taken off, remove the sensors, etc. Term was according to agreement about 4 days, which I found quite normal, when removing, grinding, spraying, nandani etc. After about 4 days Mr. said that when he grinds the rest of the paint peeling and that it has to abrade and paint completely and that the price will increase to about 3.800 CZK, which was great growth, but after mutual agreement to do it at its best conscience and consciousness, we agreed and the term extended. Of course, when he took over the car, he was in a hurry and at first glance everything seemed fine. Unfortunately, I noticed that the vehicle had 60 km more compared to its original condition and when asked how he had managed to drive 60 km, he told me that he had to go to Prelouce twice for color because he ran out. You drive miles really match the way there, back and forth, back. However, no mechanic should afford to drive a foreign car, even without documents, which is unfortunately a common practice and I often hear it from well-known acquaintances. As it was a "paint shop" on the recommendation, I did not want to do wrong, but apparently I had and today I regret that for this work I gave a single crown and even that the man was happily driving around Pardubice foreign car without any consent. Upon closer examination, I found that the bumper did not take off, grind and paint it on the car, only by pulling it away from adjacent parts, which of course manifested in the twisted end of the collation of both outdoor and internal salary parts. The car was still full of colored dust from grinding and smell of paint. Dale was carrying some oil grease in the trunk that left stains on the carpet. When removing the taillights, a piece of paint on the metal part of the body clipped, the line leading from the rear light down to the road is crooked, as when it did under the influence and on the upper edge of the bumper is so thin a layer of shiny gray plastic, when he did not get there by the bumper. Like the last dot, the parking sensors were mounted so that they fit inside the bumper. Sum sum, worse condition than bumped bumper. Here at this Mr. I would not have "repair" or otherwise modify even the old favorite. I really do not recommend !!!
Cat Woman on Google

Šikovný automechanik, vždy si na naše auta najde čas a za rozumnou cenu opraví, co je třeba. Jsme spokojeni, můžeme pána Kramaříka doporučit ?
Skilful car mechanic, always takes time for our cars and corrects what is needed at a reasonable price. We are satisfied, we can recommend Mr. Kramařík ?

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