VYMYSLICKÝ - VÝTAHY spol. s r.o.

3.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact VYMYSLICKÝ - VÝTAHY spol. s r.o.

Address :

Pivovarská 542, 686 01 Uherské Hradiště, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +787
Website : http://www.vymyslicky.cz/
Categories :
City : Uherské Hradiště

Pivovarská 542, 686 01 Uherské Hradiště, Czechia
Peter Arpas on Google

Marin Pavlíček on Google

Jiri Oplustil on Google

Martin Sloboda on Google

Ceske vytahy su v skutocnosti cinske smejdy. Nenechajte sa oklamat nizkymi cenami.
The Czech elevators are actually Chinese smiles. Don't be fooled by low prices.
Karel Kolaja on Google

Jejich výtahy mě pokaždé vytáhly nahoru a aj dúle. :) Za mě skvělá volba. :)
Their elevators always pulled me up and down. :) A great choice for me. :)
Dejv Dedarca on Google

Po 8 rokoch výťah dojazdil! Otresná komunikácia a diletantstvo. Tri tyzdne nejazdilo, chceli menit cely rozvadzac, nastastie pán pracujuci pre koncurenciu bol schopny zavadu vyriesit.
After 8 years, the elevator reached! Terrible communication and dilettantism. They didn't drive for three weeks, they wanted to change the whole switchboard, fortunately the gentleman working for the competition was able to solve the problem.
D D on Google

Radio sam u toj firmi preko prevaranta Miroslava Varesa iz Zrenjanina ostali su mi duzni 3500evra. Radili smo na najprljavijim poslovima sto su njihovi majstori odbijali. Napolju na snegu i kisi.Na kraju su nam njihov majstor Tomas pravio zvrcke da ispadnemo da ne znamo posao, upleo safcigerom sajle slikao pa pokazao vlasniku, zeznuo se pa na slici se vidi i safciger. Posto smo ubijali normu ono sto su oni radili mesec dana mi smo za tri nedelje. Ne idite da radite kod njih nikako. Na kraju kad smo odlazili iz Ceske vozac nam pretresao prtljag da nismo nesto ukrali. Toliko ponizenja nisam doziveo nikad u zivotu.
I worked in that company through the fraudster Miroslav Vares from Zrenjanin, they owed me 3,500 euros. We worked on the dirtiest jobs that their masters refused. In the end, it was snowing and raining. In the end, their master Thomas made flickers for us to turn out not to know the job, he twisted the cable with a safziger, took pictures and showed them to the owner, he screwed up and the safziger can be seen in the picture. Since we were killing the norm of what they were doing for a month we are in three weeks. Don't go to work for them at all. In the end, when we were leaving the Czech Republic, the driver searched our luggage so that we didn't steal something. I have never experienced so much humiliation in my life.
Ivan Muchý on Google

Pokiaľ máte záujem o sústavné problémy s nefunkčnosťou výťahu tak ste skutočne správnej adrese. Výťah sa neustále kazí - elektronika asi ešte z doby Márie Terézie a funkčnosť uzatvárania dverí to je niečo čo sa nedá ani opísať. To je proste úplne problém od prvého dňa kedy to nejakým "zázračným spôsobom" dokázali presadiť aby sa to kúpilo. Toto si dajte namontovať jedine v prípade, že vo vašom dome býva servisný technik na výťahy inak sú to vyhodené peniaze. Nikdy nikde nikomu neodporúčam ani zadarmo.
If you are interested in constant problems with the malfunction of the elevator, then you are really the right address. The elevator is constantly spoiling - electronics probably from the time of Maria Theresa and the functionality of closing the door is something that cannot even be described. This is simply a completely problem from the first day when they managed to push it in some "miraculous way" to buy it. Only have this installed if there is a lift service technician in your house, otherwise it is a waste of money. I never recommend it to anyone anywhere, not even for free.

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