
4.1/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Yogashop

Address :

Jateční 1615/45, 170 00 Praha 7-Holešovice, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +778
Website :
Categories :
City : Praha 7 Holešovice

Jateční 1615/45, 170 00 Praha 7-Holešovice, Czechia
jozef on Google

Mily maly obchodik so vsetkym co potrebujete na jogu.
Nice little shop with everything you need for yoga.
Martina Raizerová on Google

Velmi arogantní přístup, naprostá nevstřícnost při prosbě o vrácení zboží po Vánocích. Rozhodně nedoporučuji.
Very arrogant approach, complete unfriendliness when asking for the return of goods after Christmas. Definitely not recommended.
Majda Marková on Google

Objednávala jsem si podložku na jogu online. Omylem mi zaslali dvě. Sama jsem jim napsala, aby za me nekdo nemusel platit 2.000,- Kč, ještě jsem k tomu měla extra cestu na poštu s novorozenym miminkem- poštu sice proplatili,.. Ale nějaké poděkování se nekonalo. Příště zvolím jiný obchod, kde si dobrých zákazníků více váží.
I ordered a yoga mat online. They sent me two by mistake. I wrote to them myself so that someone wouldn't have to pay CZK 2,000 for me, I still had an extra trip to the post office with a newborn baby - they paid for the mail, .. But there was no thank you. Next time, I will choose another store where good customers are more valued.
Darina Om on Google

Urázilo mě chování paní prodavačky. Dnes 30.7. jsem si šla do obchodu koupit jogomatku. Trochu jsem to nestíhla a dorazila jsem před otevřené dveře přesně v šest hodin. Dveře byly otevřeny dokořán, paní prodavačka měla telefonický hovor. Zeptala jsem se, jestli ještě mají otevřeno. Paní na mě nejasně zamavala a pokračovala v konverzaci. Nechala mě stát v otevřeném obchodě a vůbec se mě nevšímala. Stačilo říct "Ano, máme zavřeno", nebo se zeptát, co potřebuji. Ale ten přístup, nejasné gesto a ignorování nejsou lákávé. Už do toho obchodu nejdu.
I was offended by the saleswoman's behavior. Today 30.7. I went to the store to buy a jogging machine. I didn't catch up a bit and arrived at the open door at exactly six o'clock. The door was wide open, and the saleswoman had a phone call. I asked if they were still open. The lady waved vaguely at me and continued the conversation. She let me stand in the open shop and ignored me at all. Just say "Yes, we're closed" or ask what I need. But that attitude, vague gesture and ignoring are not tempting. I'm not going to that store anymore.
Klara Nardelliova on Google

Na webu spolecnosti hned na uvodni strance informuji o moznosti vraceni do 30 dnu. Ve skutecnosti to vsak plati pouze pri objednavce pres eshop s moznosti vyuvednuti v kamenne prodejne. Pri nakupu primo v prodejne neni vraceni mozne. Dle informace pani prodavacky se totiz jedna o web eshopu a nikoli web prodejny. Ze stranek vsak nic takoveho patrne neni. Snaha o napravu aby nebyl zakaznik uvaden v omyl je nulova.
On the company's website, I inform you on the introductory page about the possibility of returning within 30 days. In reality, however, this only applies when ordering through the e-shop with the possibility of collection in a stone shop. Non-refundable purchases are available directly at the store. According to the information of the saleswoman, this is an e-shop website and not a store website. However, there is probably nothing like that from the pages. Efforts to make amends so that the customer is not misled is zero.
Angelina Andronova on Google

Great choice, best bolsters
Patricie Vávrová on Google

Nice Yoga shop with plenty of yoga equipment, clothes and etc. You can also test yoga mats here.
Ester Bulgakova on Google

Big variety of items, brands and designs. Excellent customer service: I bought online mat that unfortunately wasn't suitable for me, they changed it with no complications for another one. Very convenient e-shop with fast delivery.

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