Yoghurt cave - Candy Miners - Karlova 161/32

4.1/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Yoghurt cave - Candy Miners

Address :

Karlova 161/32, 110 00 Staré Město, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +88
Postal code : 110
Categories :
City : Staré Město

Karlova 161/32, 110 00 Staré Město, Czechia
Miloš Kriegsmann on Google

Všem doporučuji toto místo navštívit. Dal jsem si největší kelímek, naložil jsem si co se do nej vešlo a ještě teď když píšu tuto recenzi mám chuť se vrátit a dát si zmrzlinu znovu. Proto dávám pět hvězdiček!
I recommend everyone to visit this place. I had the biggest cup, I loaded what fit in it, and even now, as I write this review, I feel like going back and having ice cream again. That's why I give five stars!
Šárka Puldová on Google

Ochutnali jsme s manželem všechny příchutě zmrzlin a asi se nedá říct, že by nám nějaká chutnala víc. Doporučuji koupit rovnou velký kelímek. Do malého se nevejde nic, střední je na chuť a u velkého se dá opravdu vyhrát i se zdobením. Cena odpovídá množství a kvalitě. Obsluha byla příjemná, všechno nám vysvětlila, poradila, pomohla. Určitě se někdy stavíme znovu.
My husband and I tasted all the flavors of ice cream, and you probably can't say that we liked any more. I recommend buying a large cup straight away. Nothing fits in the small one, the middle one tastes good and the big one can really be won with decoration. The price corresponds to the quantity and quality. The service was pleasant, she explained everything to us, advised us, helped. We will definitely stop again someday.
Veronika Burešová on Google

Zmrzlina je tedy opravdu skvělá! ? Výběr posypů, topingů také bohatý. Prostor prodejny bohužel strašně stísněný. Paní byla velmi ochotná, přívětivá, nápomocná. Velikost kelímků mi připadala v poměru k ceně trochu nepatřičná. Ale člověk musí brát, že je v centru Prahy...
So ice cream is really great! ? Selection of sprinkles, topings also rich. Unfortunately, the store space is terribly cramped. The lady was very helpful, friendly, helpful. The size of the cups seemed a bit inappropriate to the price. But one must take that he is in the center of Prague ...
Lucie Lucie on Google

Velmi malý prostor, nepřišlo mi to moc hygienické (teď v covid dobe) chybělo čerstvé ovoce nebo oříšky. Vlastně jen samé bombony a ne moc kvalitní polevy. Už se nevrátim
Very small space, I didn't find it very hygienic (now at covid time) it lacked fresh fruit or nuts. Actually only candies and not very good icing. I won't be back
Richard Janda on Google

Pěkný interiér, ceny odpovídající množství zmrzliny. K tomu ještě velké množství posypů a polev.
Nice interior, prices corresponding to the amount of ice cream. In addition, a large amount of sprinkles and icing.
Martina Koşar on Google

Zmrzlina průměrná, velký výběr posypů, obsluha milá a nápomocná. Cena vyšší, ale beru v potaz, že se jedná o centrum Prahy. Jen škoda, že není možnost posezení a je třeba zmrzlinu jíst "na ulici".
Average ice cream, large selection of sprinkles, friendly and helpful staff. The price is higher, but I take into account that this is the center of Prague. It's a pity that there is no possibility of sitting and you need to eat ice cream "on the street".
Antonia Zarfl on Google

We came by to spend our last Czk and it was amazing fro-yo. They didnt had that many toppings but the staff was nice and it was a good experience
Ioana K. on Google

Positives: the interior looks interesting and it smells so good Negatives: I used it first time after I bought a voucher on Slevomat (2 drinks of my choice in L size) -- I cannot give more than 1 star, because I did not receive the quantity mentioned in the voucher. At home I measured the empty cup and it is 500 ml, and not 700 ml. And from what I have seen on other people's photos that made reviews about this on Slevomat Candy Miners really does NOT care - all the cups look a 500 ml size, so definitely it wasn't a mistake with me, they are just cheating on people. I assume that they don't care because the place is very touristic and no one would care to go home and start measuring their drinks. UGLY!

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