3.1/5 based on 8 reviews


Address :

Opavská 6233/20a, 708 00 Ostrava-Poruba, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +89
Website :
Categories :
City : Ostrava Poruba

Opavská 6233/20a, 708 00 Ostrava-Poruba, Czechia
Marie Bilkova on Google

Zákaznická podpora žádná. Napsali mi, že objednané zboží už nemají a mít nebudou a od té doby nereagují na emaily, tel. číslo na stránkách nemají. Peníze mi nevrátili
Customer support none. They wrote to me that they no longer have and will not have the ordered goods and have not responded to emails since then, they do not have a phone number on the website. They didn't return my money
Martin Krompolc on Google

Podvod, recenze psané novými účty mluví za vše. Uděláte lépe, když ty peníze dáte bezdomovci.
Scam, reviews written by new accounts speak for themselves. You'd do better to give that money to the homeless.
Miro F on Google

Objednavka urobená vo sviatok, zaplatene online, kľúč neprisiel. Druhý deň už je pracovny, píšem email, aj messenger, aj kontaktný formulár a žiadna odpoveď. Telefónne číslo nemajú. To bol môj tretí nákup u nich ale posledný.
Order made on holiday, paid online, key did not arrive. The next day is working, I am writing an email, also a messenger, as well as a contact form and no answer. They don't have a phone number. This was my third purchase from them but the last.
luky colma on Google

Po zakoupeni Cyberpunku 2077 prisel na email kod ke hre ktery je jiz pouzivan , nastesti po vyplneni reklamacniho formulare poslali kod novy ktery funguje a stihli to den pred 24 12. Ok.
After purchasing Cyberpunk 2077, the code for the game that is already in use came to the email, fortunately, after filling in the complaint form, they sent a new code that works and managed to do so the day before 24 12. Ok.
TheKrul7 on Google

Super pristup a zakaznicka podpora problem vyresen behem 10 minut od napsani. Predani na vydejnim miste probehlo expresne a bezjakehokoliv problemu pan mi i ochotne poradil s dotazem i kdyz nemusel. Urcite jsem zde nenakoupil naposled!
Super access and customer support issue resolved within 10 minutes of writing. The sale at the point of sale took place expressly, and without any problems, the Mr. willingly advised me with a question, even though he didn't have to. I definitely didn't buy here for the last time!
Nikita Sorokin on Google

Zatím můj první nákup u této firmy, komunikace probíhala velmi dobře, byli ochotni poradit a vyřídit nesrovnalosti. Nakonec vše dopadlo dobře, zboží poslali velmi rychle. Jediné co mně se nelíbí a proto hvězdička minus, že nemají uvedeny telefon pro případ reklamace nebo informace. Komunikace probíhala po e mailu.
So far, my first purchase from this company, the communication went very well, they were willing to advise and settle irregularities. In the end everything turned out well, they sent the goods very quickly. The only thing I do not like and therefore the asterisk minus that they do not have a phone number in case of a complaint or information. Communication took place via e-mail.
Arnošt Kania on Google

Top eshop
Horia Delicoti on Google

Very bad shop. I ordered a new product and received a used one, with scratches and opened case

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