
3.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Žabka

Address :

Pivovarská 1000, 267 16 Vysoký Újezd, Czechia

Website : http://www.izabka.cz/
Categories :
City : Vysoký Újezd

Pivovarská 1000, 267 16 Vysoký Újezd, Czechia
Václav Hrubiš on Google

Už tam nikdy nevlezu, ta mladá Ukrajinka krade víc jak Straka.
I will never get there again, the young Ukrainian woman steals more than Magpie.
Jan Nemec on Google

Doporučuji, čisto, dnes příjemná obsluha a milé překvapení...
I recommend, clean, today pleasant service and a nice surprise ...
Josef Hřib on Google

Dlouhá otevírací doba. Na Žabku docela velký výběr. Trochu dražší ale jde o večerku tak se to dá pochopit.
Long opening hours. Quite a large selection on Žabka. A little more expensive, but it's a convenience store, so it's understandable.
Roman Vápeník on Google

Super obchod. Nikdy jsem zde nezažil frontu, nějaký shon nebo unavené prodavačky. Vše naprosto v pořádku. Zboží čerstvé a to třeba i pečivo v 17:30h. Prostě spokojenost a holky mají velkou pochvalu!!!
Super deal. I've never experienced a queue here, some hustle or tired saleswomen. Everything is fine. Goods fresh and even pastries at 5:30 p.m. Just satisfaction and the girls have great praise !!!
Pietro Rush on Google

Asi nejhorsi volba potravin v okoli. Ceny tezce pres a personal neumi ani slusne pozdravit a vlastne vubec pozdravit. Z mevstrany radeji sednu do auta a jedu do Nucic.
Probably the worst food choice in the area. Prices can not be greeted heavily by the staff and in fact greeted at all. From the side I prefer to get in the car and go to Nucice.
Jonathan Narcis on Google

Sice hezký a přehledný obchůdek, ale s malým výběrem zboží. Vietnamec by na stejné ploše udělal sice trošku chaotickou a ne tak hezkou prodejnu, ale bylo by tam třikrát více zboží.
Although a nice and well-arranged shop, but with a small selection of goods. The Vietnamese would make a slightly chaotic and not so nice shop in the same area, but there would be three times more goods.
George Jiri Cesky on Google

Cerstve pecivo a neco na nakup je to dobry. Bohuzel hrozne slaby vyber, na tak velkou prodejnu toho muze byt 2x vice. Nehorsi ale je, ze skoro pokazde uctujou vetsi castku nez je uvedena na regalech. Je to jako loterie, nevis za kolik kupujes :) Nebo to je nova business strategie. Co se tyce cen, tak uz i Svycar by tam obratil korunu.
Fresh pastries and something to buy is good. Unfortunately, the selection is very weak, there can be twice as much for such a large store. What's worse is that they almost always charge a larger amount than is listed on the shelves. It's like a lottery, you don't know how much you buy :) Or it's a new business strategy. As far as prices are concerned, even Swiss would turn the crown there.
Martin S. (Slahounek) on Google

Not exactly the best, but "OK enough" - as it's the only general grocery store around, you don't have much more to choice from. But definitely better than some "ordinary Jednota".

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