Zámecká kaple Nanebevzetí Panny Marie - Zámecká 1370

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Contact Zámecká kaple Nanebevzetí Panny Marie

Address :

Zámecká 1370, 564 01 Žamberk, Czechia

Postal code : 564
Categories :
City : Žamberk

Zámecká 1370, 564 01 Žamberk, Czechia
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Kaple Nanebevzetí Panny Marie je jednolodní, s odstupňovaným trojboce uzavřeným presbytářem. Z hlediska architektonického patří k nejcennějším součástem zámku. V roce 1866 byla opravena v barokním stylu. Velmi cenná je barokně rokoková výzdoba, na které se podílel řezbář Rous, bratr sochaře Františka Rouse ze Žamberka. Zajímavý je též tvar oken - gotický oblouk. The Chapel of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary is a nave, with a graduated three-sided closed presbytery. From the architectural point of view, it is one of the most valuable parts of the chateau. In 1866 it was repaired in Baroque style. The Baroque Rococo decoration is very valuable, in which the woodcarver Rous, the brother of the sculptor František Rous of Žamberk, participated. Interesting is also the shape of windows, so called Gothic arch.
The Chapel of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary is single-nave, with a stepped presbytery. From an architectural point of view, it is one of the most valuable parts of the chateau. In 1866 it was repaired in the Baroque style. The Baroque-Rococo decoration, in which the carver Rous, the brother of the sculptor František Rous from Žamberk, took part, is very valuable. The shape of the windows - the Gothic arch - is also interesting. The Chapel of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary is a nave, with a graduated three-sided closed presbytery. From the architectural point of view, it is one of the most valuable parts of the chateau. In 1866 it was repaired in Baroque style. The Baroque Rococo decoration is very valuable, in which the woodcarver Rous, the brother of the sculptor František Rous of Žamberk, participated. Interesting is also the shape of windows, so called Gothic arch.

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