Žďára Petr JUDr. - advokát - Milíčovo nám. 620

3.9/5 based on 7 reviews

Contact Žďára Petr JUDr. - advokát

Address :

Milíčovo nám. 620, 767 01 Kroměříž, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +788
Postal code : 767
Categories :
City : Kroměříž

Milíčovo nám. 620, 767 01 Kroměříž, Czechia
Veronika Lišková Nedbalová on Google

Libor Mahdal on Google

Jana Drábková on Google

Zuzana Navratilova on Google

I recommend
Kamil Mikulasek on Google

Erudovaný odborník, který mi při konzultaci jasně a jednoznačně vyložil a objasnil zákon a tím mi pomohl vyřešit otázku nároku na dědictví.
An erudite expert who clearly and unambiguously explained and clarified the law to me during the consultation and thus helped me to resolve the issue of the right to inheritance.
Barbora Brázdilová on Google

Telefonovala jsem s nim kvuli nadchazejicimu soudnimu rizeni o opatrovnictvi, kde zastupuje meho dedecka. V hlase znel trochu usecne a bylo znat, ze chce rozhovor co nejrychleji ukoncit, ze ho rusim/obtezuji. Sice objasnil a poradil, ale celkovy dojem z hovoru s nim byl neprijemny.
I called him about an impending custody lawsuit representing my grandfather. He sounded a little sharp in his voice and it was obvious that he wanted to end the conversation as soon as possible, that I was disturbing / harassing him. He clarified and advised, but the overall impression of talking to him was unpleasant.
Robert Šrámek on Google

Pán je možná dobrý odborník, ale jeho arogance a nedostatek empatie nedává prostor k ověření jeho profesních kvalit.
The Lord may be a good expert, but his arrogance and lack of empathy do not allow him to verify his professional qualities.

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