Zdeněk Ciboch - Mírové nám.

5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Zdeněk Ciboch

Address :

Mírové nám., 400 01 Ústí nad Labem-město, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +8
Postal code : 400
Website : http://www.zdenekciboch.cz/
Categories :

Mírové nám., 400 01 Ústí nad Labem-město, Czechia
Lubos Bruk on Google

Pavel Mészáros on Google

Služeb tohoto makléře jsem využil již několikrát, vždy mi byl poskytnut perfektní servis. Operativnost, profesionalita, slušnost. Mohu jen doporučit.
I have used the services of this broker several times, I have always been provided with a perfect service. Operativeness, professionalism, decency. I can only recommend.
Jan Andersson on Google

Jeden z nejlepších makléřů, s kterými jsem kdy spolupracoval - přes různé nečekané komplikace a všeobecné COVID dopady společný projekt dotáhl bez průtahů ke zdárnému konci a součinnost fungovala přesně dle očekávání a dle domluvy bez nepříjemných překvapení. Určitě mohu doporučit.
One of the best brokers I have ever worked with - despite various unexpected complications and general COVID impacts, the joint project reached a successful end without delay and the cooperation worked exactly as expected and by agreement without unpleasant surprises. I can definitely recommend.
Martin Derkač on Google

Špičkový servis, příjemné jednání, rychlost, serioznost. Pan Ciboch je profesionál na svém místě, spolupráci vřele doporučuji.
Top service, pleasant behavior, speed, seriousness. Mr. Ciboch is a professional in his place, I highly recommend cooperation.
Pavel Žák on Google

Služby pana Cibocha jsem využil opakovaně a vždy s maximální spokojeností. Není dnes mnoho lidí, kteří ctí dané slovo a je možné se na ně spolehnout, ale pan Ciboch mezi ně patří. Pokud i v budoucnu budu potřebovat služby v realitách jistě se něj zase obrátím.
I have used Mr. Ciboch's services repeatedly and always with maximum satisfaction. There are not many people today who honor the word and it is possible to rely on them, but Mr Ciboch is one of them. If I still need real estate services in the future, I will certainly turn to him again.
Radmila Pinkavová Jirkovská on Google

Se Zdeňkem Cibochem spolupracuji více než 10 let. Cením si jeho odbornosti, aktivního přístupu i otevřené a férové komunikace. Zdeněk Ciboch mi v minulosti doporučil skvělou investiční příležitost a také mě provedl bezproblémově celým procesem nákupu nemovitosti. Jeho služby mohu každému, kdo kupuje nebo prodává nemovitost, vřele doporučit.
I have been cooperating with Zdeněk Ciboch for more than 10 years. I appreciate his expertise, active approach and open and fair communication. In the past, Zdeněk Ciboch recommended a great investment opportunity to me and also guided me through the entire process of buying real estate without any problems. I can warmly recommend his services to anyone who buys or sells real estate.
Dětský domov Střekov on Google

Makléře realitní společnosti REMAX Mgr. Zdeňka Cibocha mohu vřele všem klientům doporučit. V uplynulém čase jsem se na něj opakovaně obrátila s žádostí o pomoc při prodeji RD, pozemku i pronájmu bytu, a to nejen pro moji osobu, ale i pro organizaci, ve které pracuji jako ředitelka. Jeho služby byly vždy na velmi profesionální úrovni, od zadání požadavku až po úplné vyřízení na všech úřadech. Dle mého názoru zareagoval vždy velmi rychle, projevil osobní přístup. Pokud budu ještě v budoucnu podobné služby poptávat, vím, na koho se mohu s důvěrou obrátit.
Real estate broker REMAX Mgr. I can warmly recommend Zdeněk Ciboch to all clients. In the past time, I have repeatedly approached him with a request for help in selling a house, land and renting an apartment, not only for me, but also for the organization in which I work as a director. His services have always been at a very professional level, from submitting a request to complete processing in all offices. In my opinion, he always reacted very quickly, showing a personal approach. If I demand similar services in the future, I know who I can turn to with confidence.
stan papez on Google

I live in the U.S. and my mom used to live in Usti nad Labem, Czech Republic. I had hired Mr. Ciboch to sell my mom's apartment when the time came for her to transition to a nursing home. My mom and myself met with Mr. Ciboch in person, showed him the apartment and started the paperwork. Subsequently, I helped to coordinate the sale from overseas. The one difference compared to the U.S. is that in the Czech Republic in general, the seller's realtor will by default also represent the buyer (dual agency). It was explained to me that this is the norm. There were no problems whatsoever and the whole transaction went very smoothly. When the time came to finalize the paperwork, Mr. Ciboch and the notary he'd brought along stopped by mom's facility and got things done, with minimum effort on her side. My mom got a better price than she expected. Communication with Mr. Ciboch was great, and we were kept appraised as to what was going on every step of the way. He was very professional and exceedingly patient dealing with my family. A very positive experience overall, as a matter of fact better than dealing with the realtors in the U.S. I would definitely use him again.

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