
3.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Želivského

Address :

130 00 Praha 3, Czechia

Categories :
City : Praha

130 00 Praha 3, Czechia
Andrei Shchedrov on Google

Станция как станция
Station as a station
Tomas Skocek on Google

Je to normální stanice, ale okolí se mi vůbec nelíbí (působí na mě špatným dojmem)
It's a normal station, but I don't like the surroundings at all (it makes a bad impression on me)
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Stanice pod Vinohradskou ulicí u Olšanských hřbitovů je součástí linky A. Byla otevřena 15. prosince 1980, k 600. výročí narození Jana Želivského, po kterém je pojmenována. Stanice je ražená, trojlodní se sloupy a s 10 páry prostupů na nástupiště, jež je 27 m hluboko. Je dlouhá 148 metrů, z toho nástupiště 100 m. Má jeden vestibul 5,6 m pod povrchem Vinohradské třídy. Výstavba stanice v roce 1980 stála 301 milionů Kčs. Autorkou architektonického řešení je Eva Břusková. Stanice bohužel nenabízí možnost přepravy hendikepovaných osob, což je důsledek toho, že od svého vzniku neprošla žádnou velkou rekonstrukcí. The station under Vinohradská Street near Olšany Cemeteries is part of Line A. It was opened on December 15, 1980, to mark the 600th anniversary of the birth of Jan Želivský, after which it is named. The station is embossed, three-aisled with columns and with 10 pairs of platform passages, which is 27 meters deep. It is 148 meters long, with 100 meters for the platform. It has one vestibule 5.6 meters below the Vinohradská Street. Station construction cost 301 million (former) Czechoslovak Crowns in 1980. The author of the architectural design is Eva Břusková. Unfortunately, the station does not offer the possibility of transporting disabled persons, which is the result of not having undergone any major reconstruction since its opening.
The station under Vinohradská Street near Olšany Cemeteries is part of line A. It was opened on 15 December 1980, on the 600th anniversary of the birth of Jan Želivský, after whom it is named. The station is excavated, three-aisled with columns and with 10 pairs of passages to the platform, which is 27 m deep. It is 148 meters long, of which the platform is 100 m. It has one vestibule 5.6 m below the surface of Vinohradská třída. The construction of the station in 1980 cost 301 million CZK. The author of the architectural solution is Eva Břusková. Unfortunately, the station does not offer the possibility of transporting disabled people, which is a consequence of the fact that it has not undergone any major reconstruction since its inception. The station under Vinohradská Street near Olšany Cemeteries is part of Line A. It was opened on December 15, 1980, to mark the 600th anniversary of the birth of Jan Želivský, after which it is named. The station is embossed, three-aisled with columns and with 10 pairs of platform passages, which is 27 meters deep. It is 148 meters long, with 100 meters for the platform. It has one vestibule 5.6 meters below the Vinohradská Street. Station construction cost 301 million (former) Czechoslovak Crowns in 1980. The author of the architectural design is Eva Břusková. Unfortunately, the station does not offer the possibility of transporting disabled persons, which is the result of not having undergone any major reconstruction since its opening.
Dana Michovska on Google

Želivského je především stanice metra A. Leží na území Žižkova v.Praze3. Spojuje křižovatku Ohrada s křižovatkou u stanice metra Želivského. V.blizkosti stanice jsou Olšanské hřbitovy, Vinohradsky hřbitovy, FN Královské Vinohrady.
Želivského is mainly a metro station A. It is located in Žižkov v.Praze3. It connects the Ohrada junction with the junction at the Želivského metro station. In the vicinity of the station are Olšanské hřbitovy, Vinohradsky hřbitovy, FN Královské Vinohrady.
Jaklíček on Google

Tak takhle nemá vypadat stanice metra. Samotná stanice je hrůza a to se mi stanice metra většinou líbí. Okolí no dobře, docela se dá. Za mě 2 hvězdy.
This is not what a metro station should look like. The station itself is horrible and I usually like the metro station. The surroundings are good, quite possible. 2 stars for me.
Martin on Google

Starší stanice metra s možností přestupu na tram a bus. Výhoda jsou ještě staré rychlé eskalátory.
Older metro station with the possibility of transfer to the tram and bus. The advantage is still the old fast escalators.
Jura Prchal on Google

Metro, tramvaje, autobusy, auta, pizza, eskalátory, pevné schodiště, rušná křižovatka, trasa A. Blízko na hřbitov.
Metro, trams, buses, cars, pizza, escalators, fixed stairs, busy intersection, line A. Close to the cemetery.
Ava Golshani on Google

Lol why am I reviewing a metro stop I rarely go to! Well from what I know it’s very useful and in a busy area. The station itself could be cleaner but it’s decent, has seats, and some decor.

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