Židovská Synagoga - Dlouhá 2407

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Contact Židovská Synagoga

Address :

Dlouhá 2407, 438 01 Žatec, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +7
Postal code : 438
Website : http://www.synagoga-zatec.cz/
Categories :
City : Žatec

Dlouhá 2407, 438 01 Žatec, Czechia
Victor Sindar on Google

Adoro Žatec... quiero vivir allá.
I love Žatec ... I want to live there.
Jan Suryn on Google

Přejeme lepší časy.
We wish you better times.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Židovské osídlení je na území Žatce doloženo od 2. poloviny 14. století. Židovská osada se hřbitovem se pravděpodobně nacházela mimo ohrazené město, nedaleko Ohře. Dodnes, však není lokalita archeologicky doložena. V 1. polovině 16. století bylo židovské osídlení součástí města. Zdejší synagoga v Dlouhé ulici čp. 2407 je druhá největší v Čechách, hned po Velké plzeňské synagoze. Byla postavena v letech 1871 až 1872 v maurském stylu podle plánů architekta Johanna Staňka. V době mé víkendové návštěvy byla přístupná, po vstupu dovnitř nse mě ujal mladý muž, a podrobněji mě zasvětil do historie stavby, ale i osudů zdejší židovské komunity. Nový majitel z ní chce vybudovat veřejný prostor s všestranným kulturním a společenským využitím. Jewish settlement has been documented in Žatec since the second half of the 14th century. The Jewish settlement with the cemetery was probably outside the fenced town, near Ohře river. Until today, however, the site is not archaeologically documented. In the first half of the 16th century, Jewish settlement was already a part of the city. The local synagogue at Dlouhá Street No. 2407 is the second largest in Bohemia, right after the Great Pilsen Synagogue. It was built in Moorish style between 1871 and 1872 according to plans of architect Johann Staněk. At the time of my weekend visit, it was accessible, after entering the house I learned more detail about the history of the construction, but also about the fate of the local Jewish community. The new owner wants to build a public space with all-round cultural and social use.
Jewish settlement in the territory of Žatec has been documented since the second half of the 14th century. The Jewish settlement with the cemetery was probably located outside the fenced city, near Ohře. To this day, however, the site is not archaeologically documented. In the first half of the 16th century, the Jewish settlement was part of the city. The local synagogue in Dlouhá Street No. 2407 is the second largest in Bohemia, right after the Great Pilsen Synagogue. It was built between 1871 and 1872 in the Moorish style according to the plans of the architect Johann Staňek. At the time of my weekend visit, it was accessible, after entering the house I was received by a young man, and he introduced me in more detail to the history of the building, but also to the fate of the local Jewish community. The new owner wants to build a public space with a versatile cultural and social use. Jewish settlement has been documented in Žatec since the second half of the 14th century. The Jewish settlement with the cemetery was probably outside the fenced town, near Ohře river. Until today, however, the site is not archaeologically documented. In the first half of the 16th century, Jewish settlement was already a part of the city. The local synagogue at Dlouhá Street No. 2407 is the second largest in Bohemia, right after the Great Pilsen Synagogue. It was built in Moorish style between 1871 and 1872 according to plans of architect Johann Staněk. At the time of my weekend visit, it was accessible, after entering the house I learned more detail about the history of the construction, but also about the fate of the local Jewish community. The new owner wants to build a public space with all-round cultural and social use.
Petr Roubik on Google

Úžasné místo s magickou historii, které naštěstí našlo svého mecenáše a dočká se znovuobjevení ✌️
An amazing place with a magical history, which fortunately found its patron and will be rediscovered ✌️
Petr Koldovský on Google

Synagoga v Žatci byla postavena v roce 1872. V roce 1911 pak byla přestavěna. Během války v roce 1938 byla synagoga zapálena a byly zcela zničeny její interiéry. V devadesátých letech 20. století byla provedena rekonstrukce. V současnosti je synagoga v soukromém vlastnictví.
The synagogue in Žatec was built in 1872. In 1911 it was rebuilt. During the war in 1938, the synagogue was set on fire and its interiors were completely destroyed. Reconstruction was carried out in the 1990s. The synagogue is currently privately owned.
Robert Kadasi on Google

Budova je to vcelku pekná aspoň z vonkajšej strany. Počas kryštálovej noci ju nacisti vypálili. Odvtedy už neslúžia svojmu účelu, čo poznačilo interiér ktorý je v zúboženom stave. Údajne tu bola vynikajúca akustika.
The building is pretty nice at least from the outside. During the crystal night, the Nazis fired it. Since then they no longer serve their purpose, which has marked the interior which is in a poor state. Reportedly there was excellent acoustics.
Lucie Slunčíková (Bauerová) on Google

Impozantní budova druhé největší synagogy u nás. Za opravenou fasádou je interiér synagogy v zuboženém stavu. Momentálně je uvnitř k vidění výstava o historii židů na žatecku od prvních zminek o jejich příchodu po tragický konec. Na podzim čeká synagogu radikální rekonstrukce do podoby moderní galerie a kulturního stánku Žatce. Měla by trvat 4 roky.
The impressive building of the second largest synagogue in our country. Behind the repaired facade is the interior of the synagogue in poor condition. At the moment, there is an exhibition inside on the history of the Jews in Žatec, from the first mentions of their arrival to the tragic end. In the autumn, the synagogue will undergo a radical reconstruction into a modern gallery and the Žatec cultural stand. It should take 4 years.
Martin Moravec on Google

Dílo páně a soukromého investora - ať se podaří i interiér!
The work of a gentleman and a private investor - may the interior succeed!

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