Židovský hřbitov Dobříš - Židovský hřbitov Dobříš

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Contact Židovský hřbitov Dobříš

Address :

263 01 Dobříš, Czechia

Postal code : 263
Categories :
City : Dobříš

263 01 Dobříš, Czechia
Jan Brich on Google

Následky bolševické "péče" jsou smutné. Hřbitov je ale po základní sanaci ve slušném stavu.
The consequences of Bolshevik "care" are sad. However, the cemetery is in good condition after the basic renovation.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Hřbitov je nejstarší památkou dobříšské židovské obce. Možná byl založen už za třicetileté války (1618 - 1648) v místech, kde zemřeli Židé, tábořící zde na útěku z Vídně před morem. První doložená zmínka o židovské obci v Dobříši pochází z roku 1645, první zdejší náhrobek je o pět let mladší. Pohřbívalo se tu až do roku 1942, kdy byli všichni Židé z Dobříše a okolí transportováni do koncentračních táborů. Pokud chcete pietní prostor navštívit, určitě kontaktujte webové stránky místního infocentra, kde vám i předají klíče. The cemetery is the oldest monument of the Dobříš Jewish community. Perhaps it was founded during the Thirty Years' War (1618 - 1648) in the places where the Jews died, staying here while escaping Vienna because of the plague. The first documented mention of the Jewish community in Dobříš dates from 1645, the first local tombstone is five years younger. Burials took place here until 1942, when all Jews from Dobříš and the surrounding area were transported to concentration camps. If you want to visit the burial area, be sure to contact the website of the local information center in advance, they will also give you the keys.
The cemetery is the oldest monument of the Dobříš Jewish community. Perhaps it was founded during the Thirty Years' War (1618 - 1648) in the places where the Jews died, camping here fleeing Vienna from the plague. The first documented mention of the Jewish community in Dobříš dates from 1645, the first local tombstone is five years younger. Burials took place here until 1942, when all Jews from Dobříš and the surrounding area were transported to concentration camps. If you want to visit the reverent area, be sure to contact the website of the local information center, where they will also give you the keys. The cemetery is the oldest monument of the Dobříš Jewish community. Perhaps it was founded during the Thirty Years' War (1618 - 1648) in the places where the Jews died, staying here while escaping Vienna because of the plague. The first documented mention of the Jewish community in Dobříš dates from 1645, the first local tombstone is five years younger. Burials took place here until 1942, when all Jews from Dobříš and the surrounding area were transported to concentration camps. If you want to visit the burial area, be sure to contact the website of the local information center in advance, they will also give you the keys.

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