zřícenina hradu Strašice - zřícenina hradu Strašice

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Contact zřícenina hradu Strašice

Address :

338 45 Strašice, Czechia

Postal code : 338
Categories :
City : Strašice

338 45 Strašice, Czechia
Martin Janda on Google

Roman Pipich on Google

Vladimir Pecha on Google

Nálezy keramiky datují zdejší lokalitu do mladší až pozdní doby hradištní a vrcholného středověku. Nevelký, ale významný hrad Strašice se poprvé připomíná roku 1349 jako sídlo purkrabího, který spravoval zdejší rožmberské državy. Strašicko bylo tehdy bohatým krajem díky těžbě rud v okolí a železářství. V roce 1325 obdržel nejvyšší královský komorník Petr I. z Rožmberka od Jana Lucemburského právo poskytovat cestujícím na zemské cestě z Prahy přes Plzeň do Německa vojenský doprovod za úplatu. Přestože hrad v roce 1352 dobyl císař Karel IV., zůstal Rožmberkům až do husitských válek. Byl obléhán v roce 1424 a po skončení válek je uváděn už jako pustý. Jednalo se o ostrožnu s dvojnásobným okrouhlým opevněným areálem o průměru 30 metrů a výrazným příkopem. Dnes je částečně znatelný jen jeden příkop, na jehož dně je studna, val za ním a další terénní relikty. Dochovaly se zbytky mocné obvodové hradby, na jihu s vystupujícím objektem – snad vstupní branou. V roce 1818 byla na troskách jedné z hradních budov postavena fara, která patřila k nedalekému kostelu sv. Vavřince. *** The small but significant castle of Strašice is remembered for the first time in 1349 as the seat of the burgrave who managed the local Rožmberk´s possessions. Strašicko was a wealthy region at that time, thanks to ore mining and ironmongery. Even though the castle was conquered by the Emperor Charles IV in 1352, the Rožmberks stayed as local masters until the Hussite wars. It was besieged in 1424, and after the end of Hussite wars it was already declared as desolate and abandoned. It was a twin rounded fortified area with a diameter of 30 meters and a distinctive moat. Today, only one ditch with a water well at the bottom and other field relics are visible. The remnants of a mighty perimeter wall are preserved, in the south with a protruding object - perhaps the entrance gate. A parish office was built in 1818 on the relics of previous buildings. It belonged to the nearby church of St. Vavřinec.
Finds of pottery date the locality to the younger to late period of the fortified and high Middle Ages. The small but important Strašice Castle is first mentioned in 1349 as the seat of the burgrave, who administered the local Rosenberg states. Strašicko was then a rich region thanks to ore mining in the area and ironworks. In 1325, the Supreme Royal Chamberlain Peter I of Rožmberk received from John of Luxembourg the right to provide military escorts to passengers on a land journey from Prague via Pilsen to Germany for a fee. Although the castle was conquered by Emperor Charles IV in 1352, it remained with the Rosenbergs until the Hussite wars. It was besieged in 1424 and after the end of the war it is listed as desolate. It was a watchtower with a double round fortified area with a diameter of 30 meters and a distinctive moat. Today, only one moat is partially noticeable, at the bottom of which is a well, a rampart behind it and other terrain relics. Remains of a mighty perimeter wall have been preserved, with a protruding building to the south - perhaps the entrance gate. In 1818, a rectory was built on the ruins of one of the castle buildings, which belonged to the nearby church of St. Lawrence. *** The small but significant castle of Strašice is remembered for the first time in 1349 as the seat of the burgrave who managed the local Rožmberk´s possessions. Strašicko was a wealthy region at that time, thanks to ore mining and ironmongery. Even though the castle was conquered by the Emperor Charles IV in 1352, the Rožmberks stayed as local masters until the Hussite wars. It was besieged in 1424, and after the end of Hussite wars it was already declared as desolate and abandoned. It was a twin rounded fortified area with a diameter of 30 meters and a distinctive moat. Today, only one ditch with a water well at the bottom and other field relics are visible. The remnants of a mighty perimeter wall are preserved, in the south with a protruding object - perhaps the entrance gate. A parish office was built in 1818 on the relics of previous buildings. It belongs to the nearby church of St. Vavřinec.
Ivan Chudoba on Google

Zříceninu asi jen tak nenajdete, páč val, na kterém stojí rodinný domek, přehlédnete ajncvaj. Takže se spíše ptejte domorodých, kteří vás nasměrují.
You will probably not find the ruins, as the wall on which the family house stands, overlooks the avenue. So ask the indigenous people who direct you.

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