
5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Alfukiki

Address :

U Kamenných lázní 236/19, 415 01 Teplice, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +8997
Website :
Opening hours :
Monday 8AM–6PM
Tuesday 8AM–6PM
Wednesday 8AM–6PM
Thursday 8AM–6PM
Friday 8AM–6PM
Saturday 8AM–6PM
Sunday 8AM–6PM
Categories :
City : Teplice

U Kamenných lázní 236/19, 415 01 Teplice, Czechia
Silwane on Google

مصحات جميلة وهادئة، خدمات راقية ومتميزة، طاقم الشركة مهني وجدي. إقامتنا كانت ممتعة ومفيدة.
Beautiful and quiet clinics, high-end and distinguished services, the company’s staff are professional and serious. Our stay was enjoyable and informative.
Mahmood Samari on Google

خدمة مهمة في المجال الصحي، توفر لنا جهدا كبيرا في إيجاد الاختيارات الفضلى في العلاج الطبيعي للبلاد العربية، فضلا عن تسهيلات الإقامة والسكن. شكرا جزيلا
An important service in the health field, which provides us with great effort in finding the best options in physical therapy for the Arab countries, as well as accommodation and housing facilities. Thank you so much
A@D A@D on Google

ماشاء الله تبارك الله عندهم علاجات متعددة والله يوفقهم حقيقة ويكونون ممن يساهمون بتخفيف آلام الناس من خلال علاجاتهم المتميزة والخدمات المتنوعة وتعاملهم الراقي ندعيلكم بالتوفيق ولمزيد من التقدم
God bless They have multiple treatments, and God really guides them, and they are among those who contribute to relieving people’s pain through their distinguished treatments, various services and their upscale treatment. We wish you success and further progress
Ahmed Al Taruti on Google

الرجل قمة في الاحترام و الامانه و النصيحة. احمد الله تعالى الذي وفقنا لمعرفته و جميع ترتيبات العلاج و السكن و جميع متطلبات السفر والاقامه تسهلت على ايده بعد توفيق رب العالمين.
The man is the pinnacle of respect, honesty and advice. Praise be to God Almighty, who helped us to know him, and all arrangements for treatment, housing, and all travel and accommodation requirements were facilitated by his hand after the success of the Lord of the worlds.
Hassan Darwish on Google

أستاذ أحمد .. صاحب أخلاق عالية، مميز، محبوب، رمز للعطاء، خبرة في مجاله الصحي والسياحي ، لمست فيه حب الخير ومساعدة الناس ما دفعني إلى الثناء عليه وشكره .. بالتوفيق له والشفاء لكل المرضى ?
Professor Ahmed.. he has high morals, distinguished, beloved, a symbol of giving, experience in his health and tourism fields, I touched in him the love of goodness and helping people, which prompted me to praise him and thank him.. Good luck to him and healing to all patients ?
Mohamed Amine ELHADI on Google

I highly recommend, good and professional services.
Shown Jaguar on Google

Friendly staff , and nice facilities.
Ahmad Alghanim on Google

Very professional and good workers, definitely will come back

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