Alivio centrum - klinická psychologie, psychoterapie, poradenství, fyzioterapie

2.5/5 based on 2 reviews

Contact Alivio centrum - klinická psychologie, psychoterapie, poradenství, fyzioterapie

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Badeniho 290/1, 160 00 Praha 6-Hradčany, Czechia

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City : Praha 6 Hradčany

Badeniho 290/1, 160 00 Praha 6-Hradčany, Czechia
IH8ME on Google

Mohu hodnotit pouze skupinovou terapii vedenou p. Kostkou: Pan Kostka je fajn, pokud vše běží hladce. Ale jakmile se v terapii začnou projevovat problémy, kvůli kterým jste do terapie přišli, velice rychle s vámi ztratí trpělivost, odtáhne se od vás a hledí, jak by se vás zbavil. Shrnuto - skupinu s p. Kostkou doporučuji, pokud nemáte problémy (ale proč byste pak zase do terapie chodili, že?). Pokud problémy máte a nechcete, aby se vám zhoršily, důrazně doporučuji poohlédnout se jinde.
I can only evaluate the group therapy led by Mr. Kostka: Mr. Kostka is fine if everything runs smoothly. But as soon as the problems that led you to therapy begin to manifest in therapy, he will very quickly lose patience with you, pull away from you and watch him get rid of you. In summary - I recommend the group with Mr. Kostka if you have no problems (but then why would you go to therapy again, right?). If you have problems and do not want them to get worse, I strongly recommend looking elsewhere.
Radka Raková on Google

Reasonable timelines to get help, if you need it urgently; in my case very professional and good services, I got the help needed.

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