Aquastyl International, s.r.o.

4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Aquastyl International, s.r.o.

Address :

Dr. Steinera 39, Kročehlavy, 272 01 Kladno, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +8
Website :
Categories :
City : Kladno

Dr. Steinera 39, Kročehlavy, 272 01 Kladno, Czechia
Petra Fejtkova on Google

Miloslav Pànek on Google

Honza Sedrmajer on Google

Výborná spolupráce
Excellent cooperation
Kyss Kyss on Google

Na mě drahé a velké formáty dlažby a obkladů. Slovo Rako vyslovují jako by bylo sprosté.
For me expensive and large formats of tiles. The word Rako is said to be rude.
Jiří Martínek on Google

Tady vám dobře poradí vše kolem obkladů a zařízení do koupelen.
Here, you will be able to advise on everything about tiles and bathroom equipment.
drsnak MaNTV on Google

Nespokojnost. Sprchova zastena - rozmer otvoru sme konzultovali s pani, vedela presne aky otvor bude. Zastena 100cm - otvor 105cm, odsuhlasila nam to, s tym ze "to pujde roztahnout na 106cm. Ok, neznalí, bez skusenosti jak funguje nejaka montaz sprchovej zasteny, sme teda suhlasili. Zastena sa mi pacila, splnovala poziadavky - akurat tam bol ten jeden problem - sirka. No na doveryhodnu pani a jej ustne potvrdenie - sme sa dohodli a objednavku dokoncili, uhradili. Cakali sme na dodanie kratko.. Vsetko super - az na den ked prisiel pan montovat zastenu. Vybalil a behom par minut aj naspat zabalil, zastena kratka a tych 5cm chybalo. Vratit zbozi sa nedalo. Vyrobca to nevzal naspat, nakolko to bolo asi uz po nejakej lehote v ktorej zakaznik moze vratit zbozi bez udani dovodu. Reklamovat sa nedalo- pani sa tvarila ze prvy krat pocula o rozmere otvoru. Aj ked jej kolegyna s ktorou to manzel riesil v predajni hned dalsi pracovny den (dotycna v praci este nebola), nas informoval ze dvere sa vratia , jak si to vyriesia s vyrobcom, to uz nie je nasa starost vraj.. No odpoledne, jak sme boli dohodnuti cez tu kolegynu, ze sa mame stavit za dotycnou a doriesit vratenie tovaru a objednat nieco ine, so spravnym rozmerom, to uz nebola pravda. Pani sa tvarila ze v zivote nepocula ze ten otvor je 105cm a v ziadnom pripade nepovedala to ze to pojde roztiahnut na 106cm, takze sme vysli z toho my - ako zakaznici - jak totalni blbci. O nahradnom rieseni sa tiez konzultovalo par dni, nakoniec sme dvere museli si nechat, dokupit nahradny profil - prisiel do par dni od objednania - so skrabancami. Vratit to v ten den znamenalo by cakat opat dalsie tyzdne a byt bez zasteny. Po vyse dvoch tyzdnov co som poslala foto aky tovar prisiel, som sa dockala odpovede od vyrobcu, ze reklamovat sa uz neda.. Kompenzacia zo strany predajcu ziadna, proste - sklamanie velke. Pokial vsetko ide jak ma, ok - ale ak nastal problem - ruky prec.
Dissatisfaction. Shower screen - the size of the hole we consulted with the lady, she knew exactly what hole will be. Blind 100cm - 105cm hole, she agreed to it with the "it will expand to 106cm. Ok, ignorant, without experience how some shower screen works, so we agreed. problem - match, but for a trustworthy lady and her constant confirmation - we agreed and completed the order, paid. We waited for delivery shortly. All super - until the day when Mr. came to mount the wall. The manufacturer did not take it back, as it was probably after some time in which the customer can return the goods without giving a reason. Although her colleague with whom her husband dealt with in the store the next working day (the person was not yet at work), she informed us that the door will return as they deal with the manufacturer, it is not our concern. Well in the afternoon, how we were into assessed through that colleague that we should come to the concerned and doriesit return the goods and order something else, with the right size, that was no longer true. Mrs. formed that in her life she heard that the hole is 105cm and in any case she did not say it will go stretched to 106cm, so we came out of it - as customers - as total morons. The replacement solution was also consulted a few days, eventually we had to keep the door, buy a replacement profile - came within a few days of ordering - scratches. To return it on that day would mean the abbot waiting another week and staying blank. After more than two weeks after I sent the photo goods arrived, I received a reply from the manufacturer that no more complaint. Compensation by the seller no, simply - disappointment great. If everything goes as well, ok - but if there is a problem - hands off.
Kateřina Iblová on Google

Nesjutecne vstricny pristup k zakaznikum. Jeste rok po zaplaceni objednavky byli zamestnanci ochotni s nami resit nase zalezitosti a pomahat nad ramec svych zavazku. Projekt je zauctovan v cene a jeho zpracovani je nadcasove a srovnatelne se studii ve velkych mestech.
Nesjutecne friendly approach to customers. Yet year after paying orders were employees willing to work with us to solve our matters, and assists over and above its commitments. The project is accounted for in the price and the processing is timeless and is comparable to a study in big cities.
Sebastian Domenici on Google

Super kvalita, všichni jsou moc vstřícní a profesionální.
Super quality, everyone is very accommodating and professional.

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