Bageterie Boulevard - Jantarová 3344/4

3.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Bageterie Boulevard

Address :

Jantarová 3344/4, 702 00 Moravská Ostrava a Přívoz, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +7889
Postal code : 702
Website :
Categories :

Jantarová 3344/4, 702 00 Moravská Ostrava a Přívoz, Czechia
Tereza Simperová on Google

Snídaně byla katastrofa. Při konfrontaci, že to nevypadá jako na obrázku nám bylo vysvětleno, že jsou to pouze ilustrační fotky ? Nicméně oceňuji vrácené peníze bez většího humbuku ?
Breakfast was a disaster. When confronted that it doesn't look like the picture, it was explained to us that these are only illustrative photos ? However, I appreciate the refund without much hype ?
Eva Rakova on Google

Dnes jsme s kamarádkou šly na snídani a řekly jsem si, že zkusíme bageterii boulevard, protože to vypadalo na fotkách moc krásně a chutně, ale bohužel realita byla zklamáním za ty peníze…losos byl nějaký načuchly a měl zvláštní barvu nedalo se to jíst…natož vajčko, které má byt vajíčko chutnalo jako prášek, kolem vajíčka to ani nešlo… VELIKÉ ZKLAMÁNÍ
Today my friend and I went to breakfast and I thought we would try the boulevard baguette because it looked very beautiful and tasty in the photos, but unfortunately the reality was a disappointment for the money… the salmon was some smell and had a strange color it was impossible to eat… let alone the egg that is supposed to be the egg tasted like powder, it didn't even go around the egg… GREAT DISAPPOINTMENT
Lukáš Vyskočil on Google

Nemohu dát více. Jako je třeba říci, že FastFood není můj oblíbený styl. Ale jednou zač, za rok někam zajdeme. Tentokrát jsme zkusili BB. No, nepřesvědčilo nás to, že máme jít znovu. Když si vezmu tu cenu, to že si člověk s ní mimo, u nehezkých stolečků apod. Tak né díky, raději restaurace. Konkrétně polévka, kelímek, 60 kč, což je dle mého klasická cena, ale polévka byla lehce vodová. A samotná bageta, nemohu říci, že by nebyla dobrá, vynikající ale nebyla také. A já dostal nerozpečený sýr, což dost posunulo prožitek dolů. Takže není to moje gusto. Určitě si najde své hosty. Já to nejsem. :-)
I can't give more. Like saying that FastFood is not my favorite style. But once we do, we'll go somewhere in a year. This time we tried BB. Well, it didn't convince us to go again. If I take the prize, the fact that you're out with it, at ugly tables, etc. So no thanks, I'd rather have a restaurant. Specifically, soup, cup, 60 CZK, which is my classic price, but the soup was slightly watery. And the baguette itself, I can't say it wouldn't be good, but it wasn't delicious either. And I got unbaked cheese, which pushed the experience down a lot. So it's not my taste. He will definitely find his guests. It's not me. :-)
Lukas “beastie” Seliga on Google

Good one
Vibek Paudyal on Google

Good service and quality food. Loved it.
Lucie Parolkova on Google

I absolutelly love it. Kind people make food with love.
Anne-Joël Leerling on Google

Potatoes were cold, very small portion compared to other BB restaurants. We ordered take-away but we got it on a plate. Besides that I ordered sparkling water and I got warm still water. Usually I really like Bageterie Boulevard, but this is definitely the worst experience of the chain so far.
Nelson Mochilero on Google

If you compare what you see vs. what you receive the difference is dissapointing. In my case the roast beef came COLD as just retired from the refrigerator. That made drops of condensation against the cheese. The portion was 70% bread and very little meat. The marketing pictures doesn't correspond to the real product. Awful.

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