Bambule - Království hraček

3.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Bambule - Království hraček

Address :

Českomoravská 2420/15a, 190 00 Praha 9, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +7787
Website :
Categories :
City : Praha

Českomoravská 2420/15a, 190 00 Praha 9, Czechia
Marie Sedlackova on Google

Tam byla paní zaměstnankyně, která řekla mému jedenáctiletému synovi „Chceš něco koupit? pokud ne, VYPADNI” Byl velmi rozhořčený a nemohl o situaci říct ani slovo.
There was an employee who said to my 11-year-old son, “Do you want to buy something? if not, drop out ” He was very indignant and could not say a word about the situation.
Aneta Voborníková on Google

Na produktech chybí cenovky, když jsem na to obsluhu upozornila, bylo mi řečeno, že jsou z druhé strany produktu, což na jiných možná bylo, ale na tom mém typu zrovna ne..nebo, že je v prodejně scanner. Pardon, ale myslím, že by oni měli mít označené zboží cenami. Navíc se nám minule na pobočce v Letňanech stalo, že scanner nefungoval, tam také ceny nebyly.
There are no price tags on the products, when I pointed out to the staff, I was told that they were on the other side of the product, which may have been on the others, but not on my type ... or that there is a scanner in the store. I'm sorry, but I think they should have marked goods. In addition, last time at the branch in Letňany it happened that the scanner did not work, there were no prices there either.
Andreas on Google

Rude personal
João Duarte on Google

Very rude employees at Dinosaur Kino. Not recommended
Dipankar Chatterjee on Google

Most of the employers are very rude. They don't even corporate with those kids who are playing without parents. Otherwise all good. i like to go there , because I never leave my kid alone. I hope one day things will be better.
Andrey on Google

One of the worst toys shop. Pure service, rude personal. Can’t image how many customers they lose due to not knowing how to talk to their potential buyers. Better go to Hamleys, not comparable. UPD: not surprised by looking at other reviews
D. Elhendawy on Google

Very nice store where kids get totally lost from the quantity of toys... Staff is polite & helpful.
Madi Dibra on Google

Good choice of products. Very poor customer service quality (not a surprise). Almos always greeted by a heavy sweat stink when entering the shop ?

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