Basic School and Kindergarten Benesov

4/5 based on 6 reviews

Contact Basic School and Kindergarten Benesov

Address :

Na Karlově 372, 256 01 Benešov, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +777
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Categories :
City : Benešov

Na Karlově 372, 256 01 Benešov, Czechia
lps niky on Google

Ozzy Osbourne on Google

Zlaté časy!
Golden Times!
Karel Čapek on Google

Krásná škola, ale učitelé by se mohli změnit k lepšímu
Beautiful school, but teachers could change for the better
Ophelia Stardust on Google

Přístup k vyučování dobrý, ale sám ředitel školy ignoruje věci jako je šikana. Fakt díky za 9 let pekla pane ředitel, vedete si to tam fakt pěkně. ?
Access to teaching good, but the headmaster himself ignores things like bullying. Really thanks for 9 years of hell, Mr. Director, you're doing it really well. ?
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Pěkně udržovanou budovu školy najdete v nejstarší a nejhezčí části Benešova. Byla postavena v roce 1888 a je nejstarším fungujícím školským zařízením města. Zpočátku byla školou čistě dívčí, později se stala školou smíšenou. Když začala v prosinci 1888 sloužit svému účelu, byla pouze jednopatrová. Druhé patro bylo dostaveno o deset let později. Za druhé světové války škola sloužila jako jediné školské zařízení ve městě. Na konci války byla zabrána jako vojenský lazaret. Po druhé světové válce škola dále sloužila již jen ke školním účelům. The nicely maintained school building can be found in the oldest and most beautiful part of Benešov. It was built in 1888 and is the oldest functioning school facility of the city. At first it was a purely girls' school, only later became a mixed school. When it began to serve its purpose on 30 December 1888, it was only one-story. The second floor was completed ten years later. During World War II, the school served as the only school facility in the city. At the end of the war it was seized as a military hospital. After World War II, the school was used only for school purposes.
The nicely maintained school building can be found in the oldest and nicest part of Benešov. It was built in 1888 and is the oldest functioning school facility of the city. At first she was a purely girls' school, later she became a mixed school. When it began to serve its purpose in December 1888, it was only one-story. The second floor was completed ten years later. During World War II, the school served as the only school facility in the city. At the end of the war she was seized as a military hospital. After World War II, the school was used only for school purposes. The nicely maintained school building can be found in the oldest and most beautiful part of Benesov. It was built in 1888 and is the oldest functioning school facility of the city. At first it was a purely girls' school, only later became a mixed school. When it began to serve its purpose on 30 December 1888, it was only one-story. The second floor was completed ten years later. During World War II, the school served as the only school facility in the city. At the end of the war it was seized as a military hospital. After World War II, the school was used only for school purposes.
Marcela Maacaa on Google

Preferuji tuto školu, protože ji navštěvuje menší počet žáků, než ostatních dvou škol ve městě. A myslím, že i díky tomu mají individuální přístup k dětem. Škola je spíše humanitárně zaměřená. Doporučuji ji všem, kdo je umělecky či literárně zaměřen. Zejména těm, kteří hledají spíše menší přátelský kolektiv ve třídě. Absolvovaly ji dvě mé děti, k mé spokojenosti.
I prefer this school because it is attended by fewer pupils than the other two schools in the city. And I think that's why they have an individual approach to children. The school is more humanitarian. I recommend it to anyone who is artistically or literary focused. Especially for those who are looking for a rather friendly team in the classroom. Two of my children graduated from it, to my satisfaction.

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