
2.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Benefitka

Address :

Šaldova 425/12, 186 00 Praha 8-Karlín, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +77
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Categories :
City : Praha 8 Karlín

Šaldova 425/12, 186 00 Praha 8-Karlín, Czechia
Jan Petrus on Google

Pan Jen on Google

Výňatek z jejich webové stránky: platné ve všech místech s platebním terminálem. A já stále doufám....
Excerpt from their website: valid in all payment terminal locations. And I still hope ....
Ondřej Procházka on Google

Spokojenost s částí stravenky. V podstatě berou všude. ..... Akorát nevím, kde mám utratit benefity na sport, kulturu atd.... Jde to v kině? Bazén a saunu mi to nebere.
Satisfaction with part of the meal voucher. Basically they take everywhere. ..... I just don't know where to spend the benefits on sport, culture, etc .... Is it going to go to the cinema? The pool and the sauna do not take me away.
Nikola F on Google

Napad dobry, ale zakaznicka podpora asi nejhorsi co jsem kde zazila. Clovek aby byl rad ze se konecne docka odpovedi (ktera je vetsinou naprosto k nicemu a neresi problem).. zaroven nerozumim proc Vas zadaji abyste drzeli jedno vlakno zprav a sami odpovidaji pokazde novou zpravou, asi opravdu chteji cloveka jen nastvat.. sileny
Well, but good customer support probably the worst I've ever experienced. Man to be happy to finally docka answers (which is usually absolutely useless and does not solve the problem) .. at the same time I do not understand why you enter to hold one yearly message and answer every time with a new message, probably really want to just human ..
uran 235 on Google

Na prvni pohled to vypada jednodusse. Proste dostanete misto papirovych stravenek penize na kartu a tou pak budete platit. Nevyhoda je, ze k uz tak velkemu mnozstvi karticek, co taham s sebou pribyla dalsi, s dalsim pinem. A perlicka je, ze po ktratkem case se firma rozhodla vymenit "stare" karticky za "nove", coz znamena, ze system je delsi dobu nefunkcni. Do mobilni aplikace se vubec nedostanete, webova nefunguje - nelze aktivovat novou kartu, u stare zobrazuje nesmysly. Proste vypada to, ze to cele vymyslela a bastlila banda "programatoru" studaku.
At first glance it looks simple. You simply get money instead of paper vouchers on the card and you will then pay. The disadvantage is that to such a large number of cards, which I bring with me another, with another pin. And the pearl is that after a short time the company decided to replace the "old" card with a "new", which means that the system has been broken for a long time. You can't get into the mobile application at all, the web doesn't work - you can't activate a new card, it shows nonsense at the old one. It just looks like she has invented and bastiled a bunch of "programator" studaku.
Lucie Brunova on Google

Bohužel nespokojenost. Nedokážete přesněji říct, kde se dá karta použít. V jednom obchodě to jde a v druhém se stejným sortimentem to nejde. Člověk se bojí kartu někde vytáhnout, aby se neztrapnil. Zlaté stravenky...
Unfortunately dissatisfaction. You cannot tell exactly where the card can be used. In one shop it is possible and in the other with the same assortment it is not possible. One is afraid to pull the card somewhere to avoid embarrassment. Golden luncheon vouchers ...
Jindra Kucera on Google

Nejhorší věc na světě. Průšvih je, že zaměstnavatel mi nechce dát klasické papírové stravenky, i když jsem s Benefitkou maximálně NEspokojen, protože zaplatil buh ví kolik Benefitce za jejich služby. Pánové co dali 5 hvězd musí být zaměstnanci, kteří to určitě dostali nařízené od svého zaměstnavatele, jinak není možné dát takové hodnocení. I pár známých, kteří používají benefitku, by ji radši vyměnili za ty "trapné" papírové stravenky.
The worst thing in the world. The trouble is that the employer does not want to give me classic paper meal vouchers, even though I am most dissatisfied with Benefit, because God has paid how much Benefit for their services. Gentlemen who gave 5 stars must be employees who have certainly got it ordered from their employer, otherwise it is not possible to give such an assessment. Even a few friends who use the benefit would prefer to exchange it for the "embarrassing" paper meal vouchers.
Lucka Šimková on Google

i přes loňské problémy se změnou karty si ji nemohu vynachválit. platím s ní jak velké nákupy, tak v restauracích. Ocenuji, že nemá limit a jediné, co mi chybí je možnost nákupu v lidlu.
despite last year's problems with changing the card, I can't praise it. I pay with her both big purchases and in restaurants. I appreciate that it has no limit and the only thing I miss is the possibility to buy in lidl.

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