Bouda Anýz

4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Bouda Anýz

Address :

Vítkovice 154, 512 38 Vítkovice, Czechia

Categories :
City : Vítkovice

Vítkovice 154, 512 38 Vítkovice, Czechia
Tomáš David on Google

Phillip Eff on Google

Der Icke on Google

Filip Votrubec on Google

Úžasné místo. Paní velice příjemná, rád se vrátím.
Amazing place. Mrs. very nice, I'll be back.
Karin Součková on Google

Martin Kolbe on Google

Celkem pekna chaloupka kousek na strani od hlavni silnice smerem na Horni Misecky. Pesi vzdalenost na skibus. Bohuzel to je asi jedine pozitivum, ktere mohu konstatovat. Horska bouda je koncipovana neco jako "penzion" tudiz je zakazana veskera konzumace vlastniho jidla ve spolecenske mistonsti, ktera funguje take jako hospudka. Podavaji se zde take snidane a vecere v pripade polopenze, ktere jsou celkem chutne. Oteviraci doba je od 8:00 do 22:00. Velice prekvapive jsou zde ceny, ktere nas odrazovali snad od vseho. Priklad: chleba se sadlem - 55 Kc, lahvove pivo Svijansky Maz - 39 Kc, bylinkovy caj 65 Kc atd. Je celkem logicke pocitat s horskou prirazkou, ale aby ceny byly podstatne vyssi nez na hrebenovych chatach, je zarazejici. Clovek se zde citil trosku jako v materske skolce, aby neudelal neco, co se pani domaci nelibilo, ktera si velice zakladala na vecech a davala to nalezite na vedomi!! Podstatnejsi vec byla pokojova teplota, ktera po prijezdu ze svahu cinila 17 stupnu celsia. Teprve po druhe urgenci se zacalo vice topit, ale argumenty pani domaci stylu, ze je venku -15 stupnu a otazka jestli bydlime v byte, me naprosto odrovnala. Zkratka na me tato chata pusobi jako jedna z tech, kde se snazi z kazde drobnosti vydelat nejakou tu kacku. Za me uz NE. Webove stranky bych take doporucil k uprave, nejsou zde zadne relevantni informace k ubytovani.
Quite a nice cottage a short distance from the main road towards Horni Misecky. Walking distance to the ski bus. Unfortunately, this is probably the only positive that I can state. The mountain hut is conceived as something of a "boarding house", so it is forbidden to consume all your own food in the social area, which also functions as a pub. Breakfast and dinner are also served here in the case of half board, which are quite tasty. Opening hours are from 8:00 to 22:00. Very surprisingly, there are prices that discouraged us from everything. Example: bread with lard - 55 CZK, bottled beer Svijansky Maz - 39 CZK, herbal tea 65 CZK, etc. It is quite logical to count on a mountain surcharge, but that the prices are significantly higher than in the ridge huts, it is astonishing. One felt a bit like kindergarten here, so as not to do something that the hostess did not like, who was very much based on things and put it in mind !! The most important thing was the room temperature, which after coming down the slope was 17 degrees Celsius. Only after the second emergency began to drown more, but the arguments of the housewife that it is -15 degrees outside and the question of whether we live in an apartment completely disqualified me. In short, this cottage seems to me to be one of those where he tries to earn some duck from every little thing. For me and NO. I would also recommend the website for editing, there is no relevant information about accommodation.
Dušan Šustr on Google

Rodinná chaloupka na klidném místě v pěší vzdálenosti od Horních Míseček. S manželkou jsme vždy moc spokojeni a rádi se sem vracíme. Domácí tradiční kuchyně nadchne každého a stylové pokojíky poskytují útulné odpočinutí po horských túrách.
Family cottage in a quiet location within walking distance of Horní Mísečky. My wife and I are always very happy and happy to return here. Homemade traditional cuisine will delight everyone and the stylish rooms provide a cozy break after mountain hikes.
Petr Kačena on Google

V létě s rodinou moc příjemné místo. Byli jsme jediní hoste. Na místě jsou kočky, hodný pes, dvě kozy. Domaci jidlo vyborne - poslední den nám udělali gril a taborak. S dětmi nebo menší partou super místo. Z pokojů to bude asi trochu slyšet, takže lepší obsadit cely dům.
In summer with a family very nice place. We were the only guests. There are cats, a good dog, two goats. The homemade food was great - they made us a barbecue and a tobacco shop on the last day. With children or a small group a great place. It will probably be heard a bit from the rooms, so it's better to occupy the whole house.

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