Pension U boiler Ltd. - Horní Mísečky 137

3.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Pension U boiler Ltd.

Address :

Horní Mísečky 137, 512 38 Vítkovice, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +7
Postal code : 512
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City : Vítkovice

Horní Mísečky 137, 512 38 Vítkovice, Czechia
sarka sandova on Google

Dobra poloha, od chaty krasne vyhledy, ocenili jsme, ze jsme mohli vzit s sebou psa. Mila obsluha baru a pani uklizecka, pokud mate radi neustale se opakujici vtipy stareho razeni, bude vam vyhovovat i kuchar. Kuchyne relativne dobra, i kdyz jsme podle webu cekali vic, zejmena jako vegetariani, snaha byla, ale smazeny kvetak, bramborak a skolni rizoto nejsou dvakrat invencni, alespon polevky byly dobre. Cistota take nic moc (vlasy ve sprchovem koute, cizi ponozky pod posteli apod.). Nehledame zadny luxus, ale na ty vysokohorske ceny, nebyla kvalita odpovidajici. Urcite se uz nevratime.
Good location, beautiful views from the cottage, we appreciated that we could take a dog with us. Dear bar staff and cleaning lady, if you like the constantly recurring jokes of the old stamping, the chef will also suit you. The cuisine is relatively good, although according to the website we expected more, especially as vegetarians, the effort was, but fried cauliflower, potato and school risotto are not twice inventive, at least the soups were good. Cleanliness also not much (hair in the shower, foreign socks under the bed, etc.). We are not looking for any luxury, but at the high mountain prices, the quality was not adequate. We will definitely not return.
Irena Černá on Google

Velice prijemny a utulny interiér ve dřevě, čisté wc, komunikativni a ochotná obsluha, vynikajici krkonošské kyselo s domácím lahodným pečivem.. v dnešním byť letnim, ale destivem dni se topilo i v krbu, k dispozici raminka na ususeni obleceni. Za pekneho pocasi je zde i venkovni posezeni s krásnými vyhledy do kraje.
Very nice and cozy interior in wood, clean toilet, communicative and helpful staff, excellent Krkonoše sour with delicious homemade pastries .. in today's summer, but rainy day it was also drowning in the fireplace, available to dry clothes. In nice weather, there is also outdoor seating with beautiful views of the region.
Alena Vrátná on Google

Děkujeme, obsluha a kuchyně velmi na vysoké úrovni, velká spokojenost!!!
Thank you, service and kitchen very high level, great satisfaction !!!
Katerina Dr. Mallwitz on Google

Etwas abseits von dem kleinen Skizentrum gelegen, mit einer grandiosen Lage u einem herrlichen Blick gelegene Pension. Die Gastgeber sind sehr freundlich, hilfsbereit und es herrscht dort eine lockere und willkommende Atmosphäre. Wer deutsche Perfektion sucht, ist dort fehl am Platz, aber wer einen einzigartigen Ort sucht, der ist dort richtig.:)
Slightly away from the small ski center, with a grandiose location and a magnificent view, this pension is situated. The hosts are very friendly, helpful and there is a relaxed and welcoming atmosphere. If you are looking for German perfection, this is not the place for you, but if you are looking for a unique place, this is the place for you. :)
Ł. Pilarski on Google

Piękne widoki, przepyszne jedzenie. Miejsce blisko wejścia na szlaki. Lekko ukryte, w lesie, z dala od komercyjnych obiektów. Sympatyczna obsługa mówiąca po angielsku. Przyjazne dla dzieci i piesków.
Beautiful views, delicious food. A place close to the entrance to the trails. Slightly hidden, in the woods, far from commercial facilities. Friendly English speaking service. Child and dog friendly.
Pavel Ramík on Google

Musím pochválit výbornou kuchyň, milou obsluhu a okolí chaty. Musím však vytknout interiér chaty. Zejména v ubytovací části je hodně nedostatků. Vzhled, působí jaksi opotřebeněji. Stačilo by pár tisícovek, vymalovat a chata by hned vypadala líp. Více se věnovat úklidu, otevřel jsem okno a na postel se mi vysypalo asi 20 mrtvých much. Avšak i přes tyto malé nedostatky ne na chatu určitě znovu vrátíme.
I must praise the excellent cuisine, friendly staff and the surroundings of the cottage. However, I have to point out the interior of the cottage. There are a lot of shortcomings, especially in the accommodation area. Appearance, looks a bit more worn. It would be enough to paint a few thousand, and the cottage would immediately look better. To do more cleaning, I opened the window and about 20 dead flies spilled on my bed. However, despite these small shortcomings, we will definitely not return to the chat.
Jirka Procházka on Google

Prostě perfektní! Mohl bych se tady rozepisovat o tom, jak skvělý a ochotný personál se staral o naše pohodlí, jak kuchaři vědí co dělají a dělají to výborně, jak je lokalita penzionu úchvatná, ty panoramata…ale to si budete muset vyzkoušet sami.
Just perfect! I could talk about how great and helpful staff took care of our comfort, how the chefs know what they do and they do great, how the location of the guest house is breathtaking, the panoramas… but you will have to try it for yourself.
Robert Brodecky on Google

Great location with very cosy atmosphere. The food prepared by master chef was outstanding, true home style cooking, and plenty of it. The staff was very friendly and attentive. We had a wonderful time and will be back. Robert & Alena

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