Bývalá štola Josef

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Contact Bývalá štola Josef

Address :

25348, 417 41 Krupka, Czechia

Categories :
City : Krupka

25348, 417 41 Krupka, Czechia
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Super místo nutno teplé obléci... ?
Super space needs a warm dress ... ?
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Hornická kulturní krajina Krupka představuje významný soubor montánních památek evropského významu a byla v roce 2014 prohlášena za památkovou zónu. Jedná se o jeden z nejstarších rudných revírů v Českých zemích, jehož počátky sahají do 13. století. Již v době bronzové se z naplavenin na území dnešního města Krupky získával cín. Od 19. století se zde kromě cínu a mědi dobýval i wolfram, molybden, vismut, nebo fluorit. Na území Horní Krupky poblíž vrcholu Komáří hůrky stojí hornická kaple sv. Wolfganga z konce 17. století. Na území se nachází částečně zpřístupněná štola Starý Martin s nejdelší žílou cínové rudy ve střední Evropě a stará hornická stezka, která vedla z Krupky do Horní Krupky. Mining cultural landscape Krupka represents a significant collection of montan monuments of European importance and was declared a conservation area in 2014. It is one of the oldest ore mines in the Czech, whose origins date back to the 13th century. Already in the Bronze Age, tins were extracted from the alluvium in the territory of today's town of Krupka. Since the 19th century, tungsten, molybdenum, vismut, or fluorite have been extracted here, in addition to tin and copper. In the area of Horní Krupka near the top of Komáří hůrka you can find the mining chapel of St. Wolfgang from the end of the 17th century. In the territory there is a partially accessible Old Martin pit with the longest vein of tin in Central Europe (2 km) and an old mining trail leading from Krupka to Horní Krupka.
The Krupka mining cultural landscape represents an important set of mountain monuments of European significance and was declared a monument zone in 2014. It is one of the oldest ore districts in the Czech lands, whose origins date back to the 13th century. Already in the Bronze Age, tin was obtained from alluvium in the territory of today's town of Krupka. Since the 19th century, in addition to tin and copper, tungsten, molybdenum, bismuth or fluorite have also been mined here. On the territory of Horní Krupka near the top of Komáří hůrka stands the mining chapel of St. Wolfgang from the end of the 17th century. There is a partially accessible Starý Martin adit with the longest tin ore vein in Central Europe and an old mining trail that led from Krupka to Horní Krupka. Mining cultural landscape Krupka represents a significant collection of montan monuments of European importance and was declared a conservation area in 2014. It is one of the oldest ore mines in the Czech, whose origins date back to the 13th century. Already in the Bronze Age, tins were extracted from the alluvium in the territory of today's town of Krupka. Since the 19th century, tungsten, molybdenum, bismuth, or fluorite have been extracted here, in addition to tin and copper. In the area of ​​Horní Krupka near the top of Komáří hůrka you can find the mining chapel of St. Wolfgang from the end of the 17th century. In the territory there is a partially accessible Old Martin pit with the longest vein of tin in Central Europe (2 km) and an old mining trail leading from Krupka to Horní Krupka.

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