Cannaman s.r.o.

5/5 based on 3 reviews

Contact Cannaman s.r.o.

Address :

Lidická 700/19, 602 00 Brno-střed-Veveří, Czechia

Website :
City : Brno střed Veveří

Lidická 700/19, 602 00 Brno-střed-Veveří, Czechia
iluvboxwine on Google

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Oli Imrichová on Google

Dobrý deň. Objednala som si z e-shopu 2 ks 12% CBD pre svojho brata. Brat mi po cca mesiaci užívania, povedal že sa mu zlepšil spánok a celkovo sa cíti v lepšej kondícii. Čo som bola rada. Veľmi ma však prekvapil prístup. Emailom mi bolo oznámené, že zásielka bola expedovana. Keďže ani po 5 dňoch mi zásielka, nebola doručená, tak som kontaktovala eshop. Dostala som odpoveď, že moje CBD namiesto zásielkarne, poslali na poštu a ako ospravedlnenie mi zadarmo zasielajú 2 ks CBD. No ešte v ten deň som si zásielku na pošte vyzdvihla. Emailom som o tom eshop informovala a napísala, že zásielku, ako ospravedlnenie nech neposielajú. No aj napriek tomu mi bola zaslaná, ale ja som ju vrátila späť, keďže si uvedomujem, že je to drahy produkt. Dnes som opätovne dostala sms, že mám tovar v zásielkarni bez úhrady. V krabičke boli 4 ks 12% CBD, konopná cukrovinka a 1 ks CBD, CBG a konopné terpeny. Také niečo sa mi v živote nestálo, s takým prístupom som sa ešte nestretla. Nie len, že majú skvelé produkty za super cenu, ale majú úžasný prístup. Z celého srdca ďakujem. Eshop Cannaman vrelo odporúčam. Ďakujem a prajem nech sa darí.
Good day. I ordered 2 pieces of 12% CBD for my brother from the e-shop. My brother, after about a month of use, told me that his sleep had improved and he was generally in better shape. What I liked. However, I was very surprised by the approach. I was notified by email that the shipment had been shipped. Since the shipment was not delivered to me even after 5 days, I contacted the e-shop. I received a reply that my CBD was sent to the post office instead of a mail order and, as an excuse, they sent me 2 pieces of CBD for free. Well, that day I picked up the shipment at the post office. I informed the e-shop about this by e-mail and wrote that they should not send the shipment as an excuse. Well, it was still sent to me, but I returned it, as I realize it is an expensive product. Today I received an SMS again that I have the goods in the mail order without payment. The box contained 4 pieces of 12% CBD, hemp confectionery and 1 piece of CBD, CBG and hemp terpenes. Something like this has never happened to me in my life, I have never encountered such an approach. Not only do they have great products at a great price, but they have an amazing approach. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I highly recommend Cannaman Eshop. Thank you and I wish you well.

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