capsule hostel top wenceslas square

2.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact capsule hostel top wenceslas square

Address :

Anglická 15-13, 120 00 Vinohrady, Czechia

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Categories :
City : Vinohrady

Anglická 15-13, 120 00 Vinohrady, Czechia
Wlodzimierz Slowinski on Google

Trey Maurice on Google

Fly Cat on Google

По вказанному адресу даного хостела не знайшов
I did not find this hostel at the specified address
Оксана Скуратовская on Google

Место расположение отличное ,но телевизор не работает,завтраков тут нет, тоже обман,но стоимость соответствует , если ты приехал в Прагу отдохнуть это нормально все достопримечательности рядом, хостел чистый -это главное,а то здесь очень дорогой транспорт
The location is excellent, but the TV does not work, breakfast is not here, it’s also a hoax, but the cost is the same, if you came to Prague to relax it’s normal all the sights are nearby, the hostel is clean, this is the main thing, otherwise transport is very expensive
Marcin Nowak on Google

Beznadziejne miejscie zaczynając od tego żeby znaleźć ten hostel to trzeba się nieźle nagłówkować gdyż brak oznaczeń a według map pokazuje inne miejsce W środku bez szału W samych kapsułach spać się nie da gdyż brak jakiejkolwiek wentylacji przez co nie da się oddychać NIE POLECAM !!
A hopeless place, starting with finding this hostel, you have to be careful because there are no markings and according to the maps it shows a different place No madness inside It is impossible to sleep in the capsules themselves because there is no ventilation whatsoever, which makes it impossible to breathe I DO NOT RECOMMEND !!
Kamila Nina on Google

Jedyne co mogę ocenić pozytywnie to prawdodpobnie wygląd tych kapsuł i kontakt z właścicielami, którzy zapomnieli dać nam kluczyka do szafki na walizkę, wiec zaproponowali nam pojedyncza kapsule na walizki. Poza tym niestety, ale miejsce znajduje się w piwnicy, także jest duszno i widać pleśń na suficie. Kapsuły nie sa wygłuszone i jest bardzo w nich bardzo duszno. Kolejny minus to łazienka, gdzie sa 3 prysznice, przez ktore wszystko widać, także każdy wchodząc do łazienki może zobaczyć druga osobę jak się myje. Na jedna noc można tu zostać, zwłaszcza ze cenowo jest tanio i blisko dworca, ale nie dałabym rady tu dłużej spać.
The only thing I can assess positively is the appearance of these capsules and the contact with the owners who forgot to give us the key to the suitcase locker, so they offered us a single capsule for suitcases. Besides, unfortunately, the place is in the basement, it is also stuffy and you can see mold on the ceiling. The capsules are not soundproofed and they are very stuffy. Another disadvantage is the bathroom, where there are 3 showers through which you can see everything, so everyone entering the bathroom can see the other person washing. You can stay here for one night, especially as it is cheap and close to the train station, but I wouldn't be able to sleep here longer.
Ромек К on Google

Totally dissatisfied but only about the location because one is totally wrong!!! The correct one is Anglicka 8. I tried to reach out to reception without any success. You should look for the door from photo.
Corinna Hochreiter on Google

I strongly advise against booking this hostel. The sanitary areas are not hygienic and the capsules are all in one room and damp and warm inside. There is no reception and you can only reach the owner via phone, but he just doesn't pick up sometimes. Some people didn't get keys to their lockers to safely store their valuables and I'm not sure if that was even resolved while we were there. It is unbearably hot down in the cellar where the capsules are because someone keeps turning the heating up to max and you can't even open the window to cool out down. I do not recommend this hostel and will never book it again.

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