3.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact CARMAN-DOORS, Ltd.

Address :

Vřesinská 2368/13, 708 00 Ostrava, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +997
Website :
Categories :
City : Ostrava

Vřesinská 2368/13, 708 00 Ostrava, Czechia
Tomáš Vlodarčík on Google

HRŮZA, HRŮZA. Zakázka uz trvá 8 měsíců a stále není hotová.
Horror, horror. Order lasts 8 months and is still not finished.
Jan Ungerman on Google

Profi vystupování, ochota
Professional performance, willingness
Štefan Turček on Google

Skladnik ma na vsechno cas, hlavne rano nez se rozhybe a zorientuje ve skladu tak uz bych ty dvere mel namontovane.
The warehouseman has me at all times, especially in the morning before he starts moving and orients himself in the warehouse, so I would have the door mounted.
Vlastimil Zetka on Google

Nejhorší zkušenost! Ve smlouvě lhůta 4 týdny, nyní 7. týden a nezvedají telefon. Rozhodně nedoporučuji!!!
Worst experience! In the contract 4 weeks, now 7th week and do not pick up the phone. Definitely not recommend !!!
Lucie Sykalová on Google

Máme od firmy dveře do bytu a když byl nějaký problém, tak ochotni pomoct a dořešit ?
We have a door to the apartment from the company and if there was a problem, they were willing to help and solve ?
Pavel Bakos on Google

Nejhorsi pracovni zkusenost v mem zivote. Mzda vubec neodpovidala inzeratu a napln prace naprosto nejasna: proste zrob vsechno a nejak si porad. a asistentka jednatele je pribeh sam o sobe. Mozna ze k zakaznikum panoval lepsi pristup, avsak po teto zkusenosti bych zde neutratil ani korunku... delnici sice super parta, ale co z toho, kdyz vedeni nevytvari podminky... Jeste bych tedy dodal, ze jsem byl zamestnan na pozici udrzbare stroju a zarizeni, avsak vetsinu casu jsem slouzil jako uklizecka. Smlouvu a mzdovy vymer jsem obdrzel po intenzivnim nalehani az 5 dni po nastupu do zamestnani! A samozrejme mzda byla o 1/3 nizsi, nez na jake jsme se dohodli pri nastupu. Ale chapu, ze na vsechno se najde vymluva.
The worst work experience in my life. The salary did not match the advertisement at all, and the scope of work was completely unclear: just do everything and make some advice. and the assistant executive is the story itself. Maybe there was a better approach to customers, but after this experience I would not spend a crown here ... workers are a great bunch, but what if the management does not create conditions ... I would add that I was employed in the position of machine maintenance and equipment, but most of the time I served as a cleaner. I received the contract and the wage assessment after an intense insistence and 5 days after starting work! And, of course, the salary was 1/3 lower than what we agreed at the start. But I understand that there is an excuse for everything.
Radek Vůjtek on Google

S obložkou to vždy vypadá lépe
It always looks better with the lining
alan chalan on Google

Bohuzel musim zcela nedoporucit!! Dvere pekne to je jedine plus. Zakazka uz trva nekolik mesicu a stale nedokonceno..stale se vse posouva. bud se na neco ceka, nebo maji problem jinde. Mozna pokud jste velka firma a ve smlouve mate nastavene penale, tam to pujde. Pro bezneho spotrebitele nepouzitelne!!
Unfortunately, I must not completely recommend !! The nice door is the only plus. The order has been going on for several months and is still unfinished ... everything is still moving on. they are either waiting for something or they have a problem elsewhere. Maybe if you are a big company and you have a penalty in the contract, it will work there. Unusable for ordinary consumers !!

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