Čechova škola

2.5/5 based on 2 reviews

Contact Čechova škola

Address :

171 00 Praha-Troja, Czechia

Categories :
City : Praha Troja

171 00 Praha-Troja, Czechia
Adam Kalvoda on Google

Hodně málo záhonů
Lots of flower beds
Jana 192 on Google

Je to škola kde je malá a velká tělocvična já do ní sice nechodím , ale chodila jsem tam na kunfu kroužek a byli jsme v té malé tělocvičně. Musela jsem sem jezdit tranvají 17 a poté autobusem.
It's a school where there is a small and large gym, I don't go to it, but I went there for a kunfu ring and we were in that small gym. I had to travel here by tram 17 and then by bus.

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