Čertova skála - Čertova skála

4.8/5 based on 6 reviews

Contact Čertova skála

Address :

549 62 Suchý Důl, Czechia

Postal code : 549
Categories :
City : Suchý Důl

549 62 Suchý Důl, Czechia
Kuře on Google

David Vlcek on Google

Ivan Ulman on Google

Zajímavé místo, lavička, daleký výhled.
Interesting place, bench, far view.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Nádherné a klidné místo na okraji Ticháčkova lesa nad Suchým Dolem s krásným výhledem na okolní kopce. Samotná skála je převážně tvořena tence vrstevnatými pískovci, představujícími mořské sedimenty období svrchní křídy. Ty na rozdíl od typických adršpašských křemenných pískovců obsahují i příměsi živců, způsobujících jiné zabarvení skály. Navíc jsou tu patrné i rezavé povlaky, vzniklé vysrážením železitých roztoků. Tvar této skály je způsoben různou odolností pískovcových vrstev vůči zvětrávání. V minulosti sloužila k náboženským účelům. Konaly se tu pobožnosti tajných evangelíků. Z těchto dob je opředena řadou místních pověstí. Beautiful and quiet place on the edge of the Ticháček forest above Suchý Důl with a beautiful view of the surrounding hills. The rock itself is predominantly composed of thinly layered sandstones, representing the sediments of the Cretaceous Period. Unlike the typical Adršpach quartz sandstones, here they also contain feldspar admixtures causing different rock coloring. In addition, rusty coatings resulting from the precipitation of ferric solutions are also apparent. The shape of this rock is caused by the different resistance of the sandstone layers to weathering. In the past it was used for religious purposes. There were devotions of secret evangelicals here. From these times the rock is surrounded by a number of local legends.
Beautiful and quiet place on the edge of Ticháček's forest above Suchý Dol with a beautiful view of the surrounding hills. The rock itself is mainly formed by thinly layered sandstones, representing marine sediments of the Upper Cretaceous. Unlike the typical Adršpach quartz sandstones, they also contain admixtures of feldspar, causing a different coloration of the rock. In addition, there are also visible rusty coatings, caused by precipitation of ferrous solutions. The shape of this rock is due to the different resistance of sandstone layers to weathering. In the past, it was used for religious purposes. The devotions of the secret evangelicals took place here. From these times it is shrouded in a number of local legends. Beautiful and quiet place on the edge of the Ticháček forest above Suchý Důl with a beautiful view of the surrounding hills. The rock itself is predominantly composed of thinly layered sandstones, representing the sediments of the Cretaceous Period. Unlike the typical Adršpach quartz sandstones, here they also contain feldspar admixtures causing different rock coloring. In addition, rusty coatings resulting from the precipitation of ferric solutions are also apparent. The shape of this rock is caused by the different resistance of the sandstone layers to weathering. In the past it was used for religious purposes. There were devotions of secret evangelicals here. From these times the rock is surrounded by a number of local legends.
Kvetuse Belanova on Google

Toto místo nemá chybu, ač na stromech řádila vichřice, kůrovec a těžba... Pořád toto místo má nejen historický význam, setkávání v posledním dní v roce, ale i krásný pohled na krajinu. Však přijďte pobejt.
This place is not a mistake, although the trees were roaring, bark beetle and mining ... This place still has not only historical significance, meetings in the last days of the year, but also a beautiful view of the landscape. But come kill.
Zdenek Kudrnac on Google

Nádherné místo s rozhledem na Broumovské stěny a obec suchý důl. U skály je malé ohniště, ale pozor při opékání buřtíků! Hned za skálou je les!! Krásné místo na odpočinek, výlet i rozjímání.
A beautiful place with a view of the Broumov walls and the village of a dry mine. There is a small fireplace by the rock, but be careful when roasting burritos! Right behind the rock is a forest !! A beautiful place to relax, take a trip and meditate.

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