Česká pošta

2.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Česká pošta

Address :

Kounicova 688/26, 611 00 Brno-střed-Veveří, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +9
Website : https://www.postaonline.cz/detail-pobocky/-/pobocky/detail/61100
Categories :
City : Brno střed Veveří

Kounicova 688/26, 611 00 Brno-střed-Veveří, Czechia
Ross Ka on Google

No tak tato pošta je muzeum pošty s 80' let. Vše tu ještě strašně trvá.
Well this post office is a museum of post office with 80 'years. Everything still takes a lot here.
Kristýna Vildová on Google

Paní za přepážkou mě odmítla obsloužit po tom, co jsem 20 minut stála ve frontě s tím, že na mě nemá čas. I přesto, že měla ještě dalších 15 minut obsluhovat zákazníky. Zákazník na prvním místě je jistě její motto!!
The lady behind the counter refused to serve me after standing in line for 20 minutes, saying she didn't have time for me. Even though she had another 15 minutes to serve customers. The customer in the first place is certainly her motto !!
Sandra Picková on Google

Jediná snad normální pošta v Brně, všichni ochotni věci řešit, dokonce i ve svem osobnim a volnu, neskutečný ❤️ permanentně zde řeším potíže kvůli poště na Mojmirove náměstí - te se doporučuji vyhnout největším možným obloukem ?
The only perhaps normal post office in Brno, everyone willing to deal with things, even in their personal and free time, unreal ❤️ I permanently solve problems here due to the post office on Mojmir Square - I recommend avoiding the biggest possible arc te
Tomáš Košťál on Google

Boli sme tu s priateľkou dva krát ale prístup bol hrozný. Táto pošta funguje tak že vás iba pošlú na inú poštu a povedia vám ktorá je odtiaľ najbližšie. Overenu kópiu nevedeli vybaviť a jednoduchý dotaz tak isto nie. Choďte radšej rovno na inú poštu. Hrozný prístup personálu.
My girlfriend and I have been here twice but the attitude was terrible. This mail works by just sending you to another post office and telling you which is closest to it. They couldn't handle a certified copy, and neither could a simple query. You'd better go straight to another post office. Terrible attitude of the staff.
Milena Brodec on Google

Většinou otevřené jen jedno okénko, tvoří se tu fronty, čeká se tu dost dlouho, než vás obslouží.
Usually only one window is open, queues are formed here, it takes a long time to serve you.
Written By on Google

Velmi často zde obsluhuje jedna velmi nepříjemná a labilní paní, co mě nazvala deb.... ☹?
Very often there is a very unpleasant and unstable lady who called me deb .... ☹?
Jana Pavlickova on Google

HRUZA!!! Na poste se za poslednich 20let nic nezmenilo. Fronty. Zamestnanci nic nevi. Vlastne nechapu, proc tam jeste pracuji. 1. Slecna si myslela, ze Hungary je v prekladu Nemecko, coz by znamenalo, ze ten doporuceny dopis by vubec nedosel. 2. Objednala jsem si EMS (EXPRESS MAIL SERVICE = doruceni zasilky druhy den) - slecna to omylem odklikla moc brzo a tak nebyl vyplneny ani telefon prijemce. Storno pry neslo udelat. I tak me ujistovala, ze dopis bude druhy den dorucovan. Samozrejme dorucovan nebyl, protoze zapomnela take zakliknout kolonku doruceni v sobotu. 3. Predala jsem ji take uz nachystane dopisy se znamkou. Zeptala se me, jestli nevadi, kdyz z posty odejdou v pondeli. Byl patek. Otevreli si postu - chodili jim tam lidi - chteli posilat dopisy - vsichni jsou zaskoceni.
TERROR!!! Nothing has changed in the last 20 years. Queues. The staff knows nothing. Actually, I don't understand why I still work there. 1. The young lady thought that Hungary was translated by Germany, which would mean that she would not receive the registered letter at all. 2. I ordered an EMS (EXPRESS MAIL SERVICE = delivery the next day) - the lady accidentally clicked it too soon and so the recipient's phone number was not filled in either. The cancellation should have been made. Even so, she assured me that the letter would be delivered the next day. Of course, it was not delivered because she also forgot to click on the delivery box on Saturday. 3. I also sold it with ready-made letters with a stamp. She asked me if they would mind leaving the post on Monday. It was Friday. They opened a post - people went there - they wanted to send letters - everyone was surprised.
Mate on Google

Always a HUGE queue of people in front of this post office (from 5 to 25 people). People working there don't speak English. Too much "lost" shipments. No notifications when shipment arrives there. Terrible service.

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