Česká pošta - Masarykovo nám. 62/32

2.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Česká pošta

Address :

Masarykovo nám. 62/32, 251 01 Říčany, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +9
Postal code : 251
Website : https://www.postaonline.cz/detail-pobocky/-/pobocky/detail/25101
Categories :
City : Říčany

Masarykovo nám. 62/32, 251 01 Říčany, Czechia
Josef Skuplik on Google

Nejhorší pošta co znám. Neberou telefony. Nedá se domluvit, ať ji zruší.
The worst mail I know. They don't pick up the phones. It cannot be agreed to cancel it.
Monika Em on Google

Já za sebe mohu říci, že lepší poštu, než v Říčanech na náměstí, jsem nenavštívila. Nikdy nečekám déle než 3 minuty a paní na přepážkách jsou vždy milé a ochotné. Co se týče služeb české pošty, také nemám žádný problém. Vždy byly všechny balíky i dopisy doručeny. Někdy to trvalo trochu déle, ale nikdy ne déle než týden v rámci ČR. Dokonce i balík do Peru po třech týdnech dorazil k příjemci. A to je co říct :) Každý máme jiné zkušenosti, ale já jsem spokojená. Monika
I can say for myself that I did not visit the better post office than in Říčany on the square. I never wait more than 3 minutes and the ladies at the counters are always nice and helpful. As for the services of the Czech Post, I also have no problem. All packages and letters were always delivered. Sometimes it took a little longer, but never more than a week in the Czech Republic. Even the package to Peru arrived at the recipient after three weeks. And that's what to say :) We all have different experiences, but I'm satisfied. Monika
Pepa Chmelař on Google

Opravdu velmi špatné služby. Nejhorší pobočka ČP, co jsem potkal. Balíky do ruky nedoručují a nechají je na poště. Několik zásilek mi ztratili, takže jsem musel řešit s odesílatelem, aby zboží poslal znovu. Doručení trvající 14 dnů je také běžné. Po dotazu, proč neposkytují služby, které si zaplatím (balík do ruky) mi jen paní oznámila, že se nemůže vyjadřovat. V obchodech, které mají doručení jen českou poštou už raději neobjednávám nebo si to nechám poslat na jinou adresu. Do Říčan už raději nikdy. Opravdu odstrašující případ služeb pošty
Really very bad service. The worst branch of ČP I have ever met. They do not deliver the packages to their hand and leave them at the post office. I lost several shipments, so I had to deal with the sender to send the goods again. Delivery lasting 14 days is also common. When asked why they do not provide the services I pay for (package in hand), only the lady told me that she could not comment. In stores that have delivery only by Czech Post, I prefer not to order or have it sent to another address. I'd rather never go to Říčany. A really scary case of mail services
Máří Vlasáková on Google

Wow. Just wow. Říčany to zase dokázaly. Už přes půl hodiny sedím v čekárně, abych přes CzechPoint vyřídila úředně ověřenou kopii. Milena s Jarunou za přepážkou si vyměňují vtípky. K práci se dostanou nejdříve kolem zimního slunovratu. I GOT PLACES TO BE FOR FUCK’S SAKE! Kupovat si v Pointu jízdenky na vlak je u toho ohyzdného nádrži taky zážitek (obzvlášť když si jen tak zavřou a pak od průvodčího dostat přirážku). Pořádné obchody jsou až na kraji města (čtěte: za posledním oppidem), na náměstí jsou jen trhy a Vietnamci, kde člověk za odpoledne nenakoupí vše, co potřebuje. Pokud nemáte auto, radši pojdete hlady, imho. Říčany samy o sobě pro život nedoporučuji a mé čekání (teď už skoro hodina) tomu nasazuje korunu. Říčany, I expect nothing but you still disappoint me.
Wow. Just wow. The people of Říčany did it again. I have been sitting in the waiting room for over half an hour to process an officially certified copy via CzechPoint. Milena and Jaruna exchange jokes at the counter. They get to work first around the winter solstice. I GOT PLACES TO BE FOR FUCK’S SAKE! Buying train tickets at Point is also an experience with that ugly tank (especially if they just close it and then get a surcharge from the guide). There are good shops on the outskirts of the city (read: behind the last oppidum), there are only markets and Vietnamese on the square, where you can't buy everything you need in the afternoon. If you don't have a car, you'd better go hungry, imho. I do not recommend the people of Říčany for life, and my waiting (now almost an hour) puts the crown on it. Říčany, I expect nothing but you still disappoint me.
Jan Heinrich on Google

Nelze se dovolat, neplní služby za které si zákazník zaplatil a osobní kontakt se zaměstanci pobočky připomíná návštěvu ústavu pro chorobomyslné. Vždy se mi dělá fyzicky zle když jsem nucen využít jejich služeb.
It is impossible to make a call, it does not perform the services for which the customer has paid for and personal contact with the employees of the branch reminds us of a visit to a mental institution. I always feel physically ill when I am forced to use their services.
Luc J. Tonner on Google

This place always makes you wait and while not all desks nay be occupied, the strict division of services means that if 1 client comes to a specific counter, all other clients with similar needs may have to wait over half and hour - time we simply do not have
D. Elhendawy on Google

Sometimes it's pretty crowded, otherwise it's fine.
Jascha Radziewski on Google

Česká pošta offers a ridiculously poor postal service, so unprofessionally managed that one has to wonder if they are still complying with Czech postal laws. From 10 deliveries, at least 8 (!) are never being attempted to actually be delivered, evident by the complete absence of a "failed delivery" notification slip in one's own mailbox. One has to wonder what this institution must be thinking: are we expected to go there once per week and ask, if they happen to have undelivered packages stored in their unorganised office. If you do go here to check on packages they were unwilling to attempt to deliver, it takes them a laughable amount of time to find it in their own, unsorted mess of an office. The ultimate insult is them then telling you "well finally you are picking this up!" The last time I went, they were even not able to release the package properly to me, as the computer stated, I would have to give them a PIN code (which Česká pošta never shared with me). In short: if you wish to send something, do not use Česká poštas services or it may very likely never arrive due to their screaming incompetence. .

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