České Velenice - České Velenice

3.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact České Velenice

Address :

378 10

Postal code : 378
Categories :
City : České Velenice

378 10
Jan Spurny on Google

Nástupiště pěkné, ale tímto kounčí nevypadá důstojně. Celkem čisto.
The platform is nice, but it doesn't look dignified. Quite clean.
Danny Macho on Google

Další obrovské nádraží s nevyužitým prostorem. Nástupiště sice opravené, čekárna ale z dob lovců mamutů.
Another huge train station with unused space. The platform was repaired, but waiting room from the time of mammoth hunters.
Ivan Doležel on Google

Nádraží(budova),stejně jako celě město působí nevábně a zanedbaně,což 30 let po revoluci je rozhodně ostuda(jak SŽDC,tak zastupitelů samo(ne)správy Přitom nádraží má bohatou historii,až do mírové smlouvy v Saint-Germain v roce 1920 náleželo k Rakousku,jako Gmünd IIII. ,leč stále bylo na českém území jako celé západní Vitorazsko Z nádraží vedly i úzkokolejky do Heidenrichsteinu,Weitra a Gross Gerungs,součástí nádraží byly i opravny,dnešní ŽOS
The railway station (building), as well as the whole city, is unappealing and neglected, which is definitely a shame 30 years after the revolution (both SŽDC and representatives of the (un) administration) Yet the station has a rich history, until the peace treaty in Saint-Germain in 1920 belonged to Austria, as Gmünd IIII. , but still on the Czech territory as the whole of western Vitorazsko Narrow-gauge railways to Heidenrichstein, Weitra and Gross Gerungs also ran from the station, as well as repair shops, today ŽOS
Zdenko Urbanec on Google

Stanice je starší. Zasloužila by renovaci. V dnešní době ale moc lidí vlakem nechodí tak není divu, že je to v stave takom ako je.
The station is older. It deserves a renovation. Nowadays, however, many people do not go by train so it is no wonder that it is in a state as it is.
XYZ CZ on Google

Jeden recenzent zde uvedl, ze je to dalsi obrovske nadrazi, kdyby byl chytry vedel by, ze vsechna nadrazi na hranicich jsou obrovska, nebot se zde v minulosti provadela celni a pasova kontrola, proto bylo nutne zajistit velky prostor. Jinak je pravdou, ze nadrazi by potrebovalo rekonstrukci.
One reviewer stated that it was another huge station, if the clever knew that all station at the border were huge, because there had been customs and passport control in the past, so it was necessary to ensure a lot of space. Otherwise, it is true that the superstructure would need reconstruction.
Kryštof Filípek on Google

Nádražní budova ještě ujde, rekonstrukce povedená, provoz je tu trochu mrtvý.. jinak je tu pěkně :)
The station building is still missing, the reconstruction is hilarious, the traffic is a bit dead .. otherwise it is nice :)
za ub on Google

Netter kleiner aber feiner Bahnhof. Wenn man das Flair von damals erleben will, dann ist man hier richtig. Alles sehr sauber und ordentlich. Es gibt einen Snack- und Kaffeeautomaten Das Schalterpersonal ist auch sehr freundlich und Hilfsbereit. Parkplätze sind vor dem Bahnhof reichlich vorhanden.
Nice small but nice train station. If you want to experience the flair of yesteryear, then this is the place for you. Everything was very clean and tidy. There is a snack and coffee machine The counter staff is also very friendly and helpful. There are plenty of parking spaces in front of the train station.
Jack GB on Google

Not the most up-to-date train station there is, but they offer a cheap restaurant and very good customer service at the service desk. They also speak German there and provide you with useful information on discounts etc. which is very useful and nice of them. I can recommend this train station.

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