Christ Car Wash Ltd.

4.1/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Christ Car Wash Ltd.

Address :

Koterovská 534/175, 326 00 Plzeň 2-Slovany, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +77
Website :
Categories :
City : Plzeň 2 Slovany

Koterovská 534/175, 326 00 Plzeň 2-Slovany, Czechia
Jan Eichler on Google

Christ Car Wash není autoooravna ale firma vyrábějící myčky pro osobní a nákladní auta tramvaje vlaky
Christ Car Wash is not a car repair shop but a company producing car washes for cars and tram trains
Pája Black on Google

Celkové pracovní prostředí není moc dobré, špatná komunikace s vedoucíma, celkově by to mohlo byt ve firmě lepsi.
The overall working environment is not very good, poor communication with managers, overall it could be better in the company.
Jiří Daněk on Google

Firma specializující se na výrobu mycích linek a příslušenství.
Company specializing in the production of washing lines and accessories.
Zbyněk Satinský on Google

Objednaji si zboží a potom se vymlouvání, že objednali jinde. Člověk jim 2x volal, psal smsky a emaily a po 14dnech napíšou, že jsme drazí a že objednali jinde. Nechápu tohle jednani. Nedoporučuji.
I order the goods and then make excuses that they ordered elsewhere. The person called them twice, wrote text messages and emails and after 14 days they write that we are dear and that they ordered elsewhere. I do not understand this action. I do not recommend.
Bohuslav onler on Google

Firma vyrábějící myčky na auta, autobusy, atd.. Ve firmě jsem pracoval. Proto dávám jen 2.hvezdy.
Company producing car washes, buses, etc .. I worked in the company. That's why I only give the 2nd star.
Łukasz on Google

Firma ok ale długo się czeka ją czekałem prawie 2godziny z 15 paletami co i tak musiałem od tyłu podawać z wózka no trochę lipa jak na tak dużą firmę w biurze powiedzieli że 1wozkowy jest ok co zrobić przynajmniej ogarnięty
The company is ok but the waiting is a long time, I waited almost 2 hours with 15 pallets, which I had to feed from the back of the trolley some lime, for such a large company in the office, they said that 1 truck is ok, what to do at least overwhelmed
Jade Price on Google

Its amasing
Jonáš Adámek on Google

Good firma

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