Church of the Holy Spirit

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Contact Church of the Holy Spirit

Address :

Smetanova 66, Nové Město, 550 01 Broumov, Czechia

Categories :
City : Broumov

Smetanova 66, Nové Město, 550 01 Broumov, Czechia
Jiri Raska on Google

Na to ze je toto misto soucasti Mestskeho pessiho okruhu doporuceneho mestem turistum by se dalo cekat, ze bude kostel alespon otevren. Byl uzamcen na retez a zamek a naprosto v tristnim stavu. Neni co hodnotit, nebylo nic videt, ale zvenku bylo zrejme, ze okna jsou rozbita a celkovy stav je velmi spatny.
Because this place is part of the City Pedestrian Circuit recommended by the city for tourists, one would expect the church to be at least opened. It was locked on a chain and lock, and absolutely sad. Nothing to evaluate, there was nothing to see, but from the outside it was obvious that the windows are broken and the general condition is very poor.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Barokní špitální kostel svatého Ducha stojí u chorobince mezi dolní branou a současnou nemocnicí. Špitál s kostel sv. Ducha vznikl před broumovskými hradbami již ve 14. století. První písemná zmínka o něm je z roku 1407. Roku 1421 byl vypálen husity, obnoven byl po roce 1450. Barokně byl přestavěn v roce 1689. Nynější podoba pochází z přestavby z doby vlády Otmara Zinkeho z roku 1735. Barokn komplex kostela a bočními křídly špitálu je zajímavým dokladem stavebního vývoje města a kulturní vyspělosti a sociální péče v regionu mezi 17. a 19. stoletím. The Baroque hospital church of the Holy Spirit stands at the former illness-house between the town´s lower gate and the present hospital. Hospital with church of the Holy Spirit outside the city fortification originated in the 14th century. The first written mention of it dates back to 1407. In 1421 it was burnt down by the Hussites, then rebuilt after 1450. It was rebuilt again in Baroque style in 1689. The present appearance dates back to the reign of Otmar Zinke from 1735. Baroque church complex and lateral wings of the hospital are interesting example of the city's development and cultural maturity and social care in the region between the 17th and 19th centuries.
The Baroque hospital church of the Holy Spirit stands by the hospital between the lower gate and the current hospital. Hospital with the church of St. Ducha originated in front of the Broumov walls in the 14th century. The first written mention of it is from 1407. It was burned down by the Hussites in 1421, restored after 1450. It was rebuilt in the Baroque style in 1689. The current form comes from the reconstruction of the reign of Otmar Zinke from 1735. Baroque church complex and side wings of the hospital is an interesting document of the building development of the city and cultural development and social care in the region between the 17th and 19th centuries. The Baroque hospital church of the Holy Spirit stands at the former illness-house between the town´s lower gate and the present hospital. Hospital with church of the Holy Spirit outside the city fortification originated in the 14th century. The first written mention of it dates back to 1407. In 1421 it was burnt down by the Hussites, then rebuilt after 1450. It was rebuilt again in Baroque style in 1689. The present appearance dates back to the reign of Otmar Zinke from 1735. Baroque church complex and lateral wings of the hospital are interesting example of the city's development and cultural maturity and social care in the region between the 17th and 19th centuries.

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