City hotel Bobík Ltd.

4.1/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact City hotel Bobík Ltd.

Address :

Náměstí 325, 384 51 Volary, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +989999
Website :
Categories :
City : Volary
Description : Relaxed hotel with simple rooms, 2 restaurants & a hemp spa, plus complimentary breakfast & parking.

Náměstí 325, 384 51 Volary, Czechia
Tomáš Pokorný (Japan) on Google

restaurace a formanka (vzhledově méně "luxusní" varianta ale krásná vyzdoba). Pivo z místního pivovaru - velmi povedené. K dispozici byla IPA (později došla), konopná 12tka, 11tka. Možnost degustačního menu. Obsluha bohužel musela lítat mezi formankou a restaurací. Jídlo výborné (byly velikonoční speciality i stála nabídka). Rychle připravené a výborné. Pivo občas pod míru, ale byl frmol. Hotel a lázně jsme nenavštívili.
restaurant and formanka (visually less "luxurious" variant but beautiful decoration). Beer from a local brewery - very good. There was IPA (later ran out), cannabis 12tka, 11tka. Possibility of tasting menu. Unfortunately, the staff had to fly between the formanka and the restaurant. The food was excellent (there were Easter specialties and a permanent menu). Quickly prepared and excellent. Beer was sometimes under measure, but it was rumble. We did not visit the hotel and spa.
Josef Pospíšil on Google

O velikonocích 2022(v pondělí) jsme navštívili Volary s restaurací hotelu Bobík. Objednali jsme si zvěřinu, zdejší pivo z domácího pivovaru, domácí štrůdl, kávu, slivovici. Velice dobré jídlo a pití po všech stránkách (chuťi /rozmístěním na talířích a žádné obrovské talíře/ velmi pěkný vzhled kvalitně zpracovaných surovin/ žádné trapné zeleninové oblohy). Při pohledu prostě dostanete hned chuť to celé zbouchat. Velmi pěkné, čisté posezení v dobovém moderním interiéru. Obsluha příjemná. WC prostorná, čistá a voňavá. Paní v recepci hotelu rovněž příjemná, ráda poradí. Náměstí v lokalitě kolem hotelu s přilehlým okolím je nezvykle čisté a moderně pojaté. Návštěvníka překvapí čistota města na veřejném prostranství (nikde žádný vajgly, papíry atp.). Jednoznačně dobrá volba na posezení a dobré jídlo, které vychutnáte v klidu, pohodě s dobrou atmosférou kolem vás. Doporučuji.
At Easter 2022 (Monday) we visited Volary with the restaurant of the Bobík hotel. We ordered game, local beer from the home brewery, home strudel, coffee, plum brandy. Very good food and drink in all aspects (taste / placement on plates and no huge plates / very nice appearance of well-processed ingredients / no awkward vegetable garnishes). When you look, you just get the urge to bang it all right away. Very nice, clean seating in a period modern interior. Pleasant service. Toilet spacious, clean and fragrant. The lady at the hotel reception is also nice, happy to advise. The square in the area around the hotel with the surrounding area is unusually clean and modern. The visitor will be surprised by the cleanliness of the city in a public space (no vaigles, papers, etc.). Definitely a good choice for sitting and good food, which you will enjoy in peace, quiet with a good atmosphere around you. I recommend.
Malousek Miroslav on Google

Jan C on Google

Dina Vachova on Google

In the restaurant there is a rude waiting staff, they are not able to correctly make an order, very lazy, unable to solve queries, food was cold.
Lorna Campbell on Google

Had an excellent meal here last night and great beer! Even sampled the cannabis brew... well I am on holiday. Very friendly service from the guy in a black shirt. And good spot to people watch.
frank klatil on Google

More than one vegetarian dish available. A definite plus. We had pasta with a blue cheese sauce with capers. The sauce was pretty salty. This place accepts credit cards.
Milutinovic Sladjana on Google

The rooms are very clean and comfortable. The bed is GREAT, you sleep like in a cloud ?. The food is delicious, all the recommendations for goulash. The hotel has its own brewery and they make great beer - you have to try it. The staff is friendly, although it would be good to speak another language English and German ... Massages ... that's another story EXCELLENT Special compliments to the lady who worked during our stay. Recommendations

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