CK České Kormidlo, s.r.o.

3.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact CK České Kormidlo, s.r.o.

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Okružní 783, 638 00 Brno-sever-Lesná, Czechia

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City : Brno sever Lesná

Okružní 783, 638 00 Brno-sever-Lesná, Czechia
Eva Havlikova on Google

Děkujeme za dokonalý, víkendový zájezd na Bavorské zámky, obrovské díky paní delegátce a řidičům Milanovi a Péťovi od Michala :-))) skvělá organizace, perfektní ubytování. Zase příště už jen s Vámi!!!!! Byl to neskutečný, nádherný čas. Jste nejlepší!!!!
Thank you for a perfect, weekend trip to the Bavarian castles, huge thanks to the delegate and drivers Milan and Péť from Michal :-))) great organization, perfect accommodation. Next time only with you !!!!! It was an incredible, wonderful time. You are the best!!!!
Lukanenko on Google

S cestovní kanceláři jsme jeli do Itálie Verona a Benátky, už na začátku řidiči dojeli pozdě a to byl nástup v Brně , ale řekl jsem si, že to se muže stát ,ale jde tomu předejít, když vyjede dříve, ale co už. Čekali jsme na nádraží až tedy autobus dojede. Jak přijel ,tak vystoupila pani delegátka Anička , které nebylo rozumět na dva metry slovo, co vlastně říká ,takže jsme třičtvrtě lidi nevěděli co máme dělat a kde si dát věci až jsem se sel zeptat co vlastně bude probíhat. Po zmatkách jsme naložili a vyrazili. Řidiči na pohodu, přestávky také byly, jak slíbili. Po 12 hodinové cestě ,kde byl člověk totálně na hadry z autobusu ,kde není vůbec místo jak na nohy tak na nic. V Itálii nám pani delegátka vyprávěla o Benátkách ,ale nemělo to žádný smysl ,když půlka lidi nevnímala a druhá se snažila ještě nějak zabrat. Takže z výkladu si člověk nic nepamatoval. Po doražení na místo se jedna paní zeptala ,jestli nám něco muže o tom říci , tak odpověď zněla už jsem to říkala v autobuse. Většina lidi chodila podle sebe, protože nebylo nic zařízené, žádná prohlídka a pani nikdo vůbec neslyšel, takže katastrofa a z autobusu už si člověk nic nepamatoval. Po rozchodu v benatckah ,kde každý běhal na vlastní triko ,jsme jeli na hotel ,kde nevěděla ani kde je. Na hotelu netekla tepla voda ,takže po celém dni se člověk ani poradně nevykoupal a pokoje byly úplně jak ve ** hotelu a to byl ****. Ráno snídaně domluvena na půl 9 , kdo přišel od třičtvrtě už byl hladový ,už nic neměli, takže katastrofa. Cesta do Verony probíhala stejným směrem výklad proběhl v autobuse ,takže zase nikdo nic nevěděl o čem vůbec mluví. Takže klasika opět vše na vlastní triko. Cesta zpět opět katastrofa, jelikož jsme seděli nahoře a po celém dni byl autobus v jednom ohni ,takže nahoře bylo tak 50 stupňů ,když jsme chtěli klimu ,tak vůbec nejela až to jeden cestující nevydržel a byl za řidičem ať to nějak zesílí ,ze se nahoře nedá vydržet. Tak to nějak zesílil, ale pořad žádná sláva. CK muže byt dobra ,ale určitě s jiným průvodcem, který vše zařídí a jde mu rozumět. Za nás zkušenost hodně špatná.
We went to Verona and Venice with the travel agency in Italy, the drivers were late at the beginning and it was the start in Brno, but I thought it could happen, but it can be prevented if it leaves earlier, but what else. We waited at the station until the bus arrived. As he arrived, Mrs. Anička, who didn't understand what she was saying for two meters, spoke, so we didn't know what to do and where to put things for three-quarters of the people until I went to ask what was going to happen. After the confusion, we loaded and set off. The drivers were fine, the breaks were also as promised. After a 12-hour journey, where one was totally on the rags of the bus, where there is no room for both feet and nothing. In Italy, the delegate told us about Venice, but it didn't make sense when half the people didn't notice and the other tried to take some action. So one did not remember anything from the interpretation. After arriving at the place, one lady asked if she could tell us anything about it, so the answer was already I said it on the bus. Most people walked according to themselves because there was nothing furnished, no tour and no one heard the lady at all, so the disaster and the bus no longer remembered anything. After breaking up in Venice, where everyone ran on their own T-shirt, we went to a hotel where she didn't even know where she was. There was no hot water at the hotel, so during the whole day one didn't even take a bath and the rooms were exactly like in a ** hotel and that was ****. In the morning breakfast arranged at half past nine, who came from three-quarters was already hungry, they had nothing left, so disaster. The trip to Verona went in the same direction on the bus, so again no one knew what they were talking about. So the classic is all on its own t-shirt again. The way back was a disaster again, because we were sitting upstairs and the bus was on fire all day, so it was about 50 degrees upstairs when we wanted climate, so it didn't go until one passenger couldn't stand it and was behind the driver to make it stronger that upstairs can't stand. So it somehow intensified, but the show no fame. The travel agency can be good, but definitely with another guide who will arrange everything and go to understand him. A very bad experience for us.
Zdeněk Wagner on Google

Iveta Galatíková on Google

Adam Production on Google

Miroslav Šikula on Google

Super ck
Maksym Gorbatykh on Google

Reserved a trip with time limited discount and no-one contacted me. Then when I ask about my reservation, they said, that they couldn't find it, but I can make a new reservation, of course without discount.
Iveta Sebestova on Google

We have traveled to Italy for skiing with the travel agency. The stay was disappointing, frustrating and upsetting. There were bedbugs in our room, I was terribly bitten(GP treated me by corticoids), got evidence of everything. I even caught the bedbug but the owner of hotel did nothing, no refund, no communication, nothing. When I caught the bedbug and show him the insect, he splashed that in a sink and said “sorry” that was it from his site. I was well disappointed of the treatment. We tried to complain to the travel agency, they did nothing, mentioned they didn’t received anything from the hotel so they wouldn’t refund anything…just as “good will” 10% discount of the price which seems like laugh in sleeves…

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