CS Diskont Tank

4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact CS Diskont Tank

Address :

Chvalovice 182, 669 02 Znojmo, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +
Categories :
City : Znojmo

Chvalovice 182, 669 02 Znojmo, Czechia
Emilia Wądołowska on Google

Bartłomiej Toton on Google

Vilém Vlasák on Google

Tom W on Google

Preise sind meistens gut
Prices are usually good
Pavel Kuchařík on Google

Pumpa má dobré ceny celkem slušné zboží, ale nafta moc netáhla...
The pump has good prices, quite a decent commodity, but the diesel didn't pull much ...
Marcel Reissig on Google

Die Kassiererin wollte mich um 16 Euro bescheissen für 5 Liter Adblue.. ausgepreist für 12,99
The cashier wanted to cheat me for 16 euros for 5 liters of Adblue.. priced at 12.99
Petr Šrubař on Google

Rychle se tu na tanku je, dobré věci nakoupí, příjemná obsluha u pokladny.
He is here quickly on the tank, he buys good things, pleasant service at the cash register.
MMT Laboratory on Google

U par rečenica ću vam reći istinu. Zašto? Zato što vidim da među liječnicima ima onih koji to ne vide. Medicinski laici vide bolje stvari nego liječnici", rekla je. Kaže da stožer laže o broju zaraženih. "Svaka epidemija je najjača u prvom udaru, to je bilo 2020. Smrtnost je bila manja nego 2019, što znači da nije bilo epidemije", rekla je. "Cijepljeni ne mogu širiti zarazu, oni nam lažu", rekla je. Okupljeni se pitaju je li mislila na necijepljene, ali je govornica ponovila da misli na cijepljene. Kaže da ljudi umiru od cjepiva koje je čisti otrov.
In a few sentences I will tell you the truth. Why? Because I see that among doctors there are those who do not see it. "Medical laymen see better things than doctors," she said. She says the headquarters is lying about the number of infected. "Vaccinated people can't spread the infection, they lie to us," she said.

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